When the Saints play at Miami...... (1 Viewer)


Cam Jordan Fan Club
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
I'm watching the University of Miami vs Oklahoma University game. I know Miami plays their home game at Land Shark Stadium, which is where the Miami Dolphins play home games as well.

I was not looking forward to the Saints going to Miami this year to play because of the infield baseball dirt that the team had to play on in Oakland during the preseason. But I had no idea that when baseball was over, they re-sod the whole field!

There is no dirt on the field for this game. This is great news because, if you saw the game in Oakland this year, there's a lot of slipping because the cleats the players wear for the grass don't do well in that dirt. I know this is small and sort of insignificant but I had no idea they did that at Land Shark Stadium. I just thought I'd pass the news along.
LOL.....I can't stand baseball so I wouldn't know any of that. But the field reporter just stated that the "U" logo would be replaced with Dolphins logo for tomorrows game. The grass is real so I'm not sure what they will do when the Marlins are playing there. Does anyone know how this will work?
Baseball season is not over and the Marlins will be in the post season

When did the Marlins get in the PreSeason? Phillies clinched the division, and the Braves (which aren't in the playoffs) have a better record than them.

I can assure you they are very far away from the playoffs....like maybe next years playoffs.
LOL.....I can't stand baseball so I wouldn't know any of that. But the field reporter just stated that the "U" logo would be replaced with Dolphins logo for tomorrows game. The grass is real so I'm not sure what they will do when the Marlins are playing there. Does anyone know how this will work?

By the time we play in Miami, we wont have to worry about the Marlins, bud. They aren't in the playoffs at all, so they are going to change the whole field into the Hurricanes/Dolphis stadium until next year.
By the time we play in Miami, we wont have to worry about the Marlins, bud. They aren't in the playoffs at all, so they are going to change the whole field into the Hurricanes/Dolphis stadium until next year.

Thanks. Does Oakland do the same???
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Baseball season is not over and the Marlins will be in the post season

I just checked out what you said for myself and Florida Marlins have no games remaining home games and are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. :shrug:
For some reason i was thinknig it was the Phillies, Cardinals, Marlins, and Rockies that made the post season.

Honest mistake pal.

It was Phillies, Cards, Dodgers, and Rockies for the NL. Yanks, Sox, Angels, and its between Detroit Tigers and Minnisota Twins for thier division.
When did the Marlins get in the PreSeason? Phillies clinched the division, and the Braves (which aren't in the playoffs) have a better record than them.

I can assure you they are very far away from the playoffs....like maybe next years playoffs.

:plus-un2: rockies have a better record than braves too(and i believe clinched wildcard?) so yea, no playoffs for marlins

edit:shoulda refreshed my page, im slowww
What's with all this baseball talk? ;)
There's a Saints game tomorrow!

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