Where is The Mongoose? (1 Viewer)

St. Widge

Socially Distant
VIP Contributor
Mar 14, 2002
Reaction score
4th Ward Soldier
Where has he gone?

1. Has WDF finally used him for nafarious purposes and he is too
emotionally shattered to communicate with the outside world or
is he too busy "rubbing the lotion on its skin"?

2. Is he too busy shopping for new Jeeps?

3. Has the inclusion of Armo(u)r Lock caused him to lose faith in
Bungie and he has therefore decided that life is too cruel to live?

4. Has the government finally "gotten" to him?

5. Did he get stuck in an infinite loop of looking at Bungee water?

6. No more armor lock in Arena. He's addicted.
Barely. There is a void around here without you. I mean, if antipop left, no one would care, but you? We need you.

You can't carry the Bungee flag all by yourself. Y'ou're second string. At best.
You can't carry the Bungee flag all by yourself. Y'ou're second string. At best.

So true. I mean, I didn't even know they took Armo(u)r Lock out of the Arena matches. :idunno:

I try, but I just don't feel it the way Goose does.
I'm going to the Bay for drinks at 4pm. Then, I'm going to pick the Bay Christmas tree up at 6pm. Then I'm decorating the Bay Christmas tree at 7pm. Then I'm going to vomit on the Bay Christmas tree at 8pm.

Then I'm going home.

This agenda has been provided to you by a sober and unhappy WDF.

I'm also hanging mistletoe but I can't tell you at what entrance. Mistletoe, for me anyway, means dry hump. Kissing is too impersonal.
I'm going to the Bay for drinks at 4pm. Then, I'm going to pick the Bay Christmas tree up at 6pm. Then I'm decorating the Bay Christmas tree at 7pm. Then I'm going to vomit on the Bay Christmas tree at 8pm.

Then I'm going home.

This agenda has been provided to you by a sober and unhappy WDF.

Failed your test, did you?

I'll join you. If antipop comes, I will bring him BC2 for xbox.
yeah, but who would reach the stuff on the top shelf for you???

zeetes? :idunno:

And, I own many ladders.

Edit: And that reminds me. I was in the grocery the other day and some really old lady looks at me and asks me to get somethign off the high shelf for her. Normally, I would just say no and kicker her in the knee, but my child was there so I said I would get it for her. As I'm reacing up for it she says "I mean if YOU can reach it." I should have kicked her in the knee.

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