Where next ... Santa Clara? (1 Viewer)


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Sep 30, 2004
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Mountains of Southern Colorado

Niners cease new stadium talks with San Francisco

Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The San Francisco 49ers ended negotiations with the city about building a new stadium and plan to move to either Santa Clara or somewhere else in California, The Associated Press learned Wednesday night.

Owner John York notified Mayor Gavin Newsom of the team's decision earlier Wednesday, the mayor's spokesman, Peter Ragone, told the AP.

Team spokesman Aaron Salkin declined to comment Wednesday night. Messages seeking comment were left on the office and cell phone of Lisa Lang, the 49ers vice president for communications.

The sides had been talking over the last few months about building a privately financed stadium at Candlestick Point that was going to be part of the city's bid for the 2016 summer Olympics.

Ragone did not know how the 49ers' decision would impact the Olympic bid. San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago are the three cities competing to be the U.S. Olympic Committee's choice to bid on the 2016 games.

Full Story - SI.com

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