Who are you pulling for in the Green Bay - Philly game?? (1 Viewer)

Who you rooting for?

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Purple Knight
Oct 17, 2006
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Central City via N.O. East
Assuming we take care of business in Seattle, if Green Bay pulls off the upset, we go to Chicago.

If Philly wins, we go back to ATL and play a 3 round bout with the Falcons.

So who you rooting for?
Green Bay. I want Philly to be one and done. We can beat Chicago. GB can beat Atlanta. Then we have the NFCCG at home. And beat GB.
Green Bay.....I want to see the NFC championship game in person!!!....Especially since I have already paid for it!!
I say Green Bay only because it is the only way the NFCCG can be a home game. Atlanta plays the lowest remaining seed which would be Green Bay if they win. I believe they can beat Atlanta and if we take care of Seattle and Chicago we host the HFCCG!
Green Bay. Not on the chances of a home playoff game, that's not as important to me as getting to the Super Bowl. I fear the Eagles more than any other NFC team. I want them gone.

The second team I worry about is Atlanta. That would give them one chance to be knocked off before we have to play them.

I think Seattle-Chicago-Green Bay, regardless of venue, is a much easier route than Seattle-Atlanta-Philly.
We need philly to win. It would be sweet to beat the falcons at home again and the saints record in soldier field in winter is not good at all.
We need philly to win. It would be sweet to beat the falcons at home again and the saints record in soldier field in winter is not good at all.

I think the picture is bigger than that. A Packer win guarantees that the NFCCG will be in a dome if we're in it, B/C if we're in the NFCCG, that means it's either against the Packers in the Superdome or at Atlanta. A Packer loss means that the NFCCG (presuming the Saints are in it) will be outside in either Chicago or Philly.

So the question is when and whom you'd rather play outside. I say go ahead and play the Bears in the divisional round - then play the NFCCG in a dome. And the Packer win scenario is the only way it could be in our dome.
I'm a little split. Philly winning means we get to make Atlanta one and done. Green Bay winning means we have a good shot of playing the NFCCG at home, or worst case, in Atlanta's "dome".
Who was the (cough, cough) "person" who voted for Philly? :mad:


Probably some VT/Vick fans? :shrug:

I can't see any other reason, since GB losing rules out any home playoff games. I want to see an NFCCG in the Dome. GB is our only chance at that.

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