Why I love Jenkins (1 Viewer)


SR is my life!
Apr 15, 2004
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Glad he didn't get flagged for that. i didn't catch it live. the league really needs to re watch that game and see all the MISSED holds, false starts, etc that were ignored. Turrible game for officiating. I am glad they focused on PUSH OFFS. really hurt atlanta's offesnse not being able to cheat to separate.
I just hope the league doesn't watch this footage and decide to suspend or fine him long after it happened, you know how the NFL is now.
I ******* love Jenkin's swagger. He's rough but only when it's warranted. Him and Porter entertain me.
I just hope the league doesn't watch this footage and decide to suspend or fine him long after it happened, you know how the NFL is now.

more than half the league would be suspended if they went back and actually disciplined players for shots like that.. gotta love the aggresiveness though, you see why he's one of GWs favorite players
i love jenkins because he is who i actually wanted to draft #1 his year unlike many of our past picks. he has really matured and improved this season. isnt it great when number 1 picks perform consistently as such?
You know I had to do it.... Is it possible to have animated avatars? :mwink:

You can see the awareness and how he's looking at the play at the end of it :worthy:
Awesome clip.. but if it were the opposite we'd all be crying foul.. Just keep it in mind when you're complaining when an opposing player does it to one of our own..
Awesome clip.. but if it were the opposite we'd all be crying foul.. Just keep it in mind when you're complaining when an opposing player does it to one of our own..

The guy dove at his balls with the crown of his helmut. I guess technically you could call it head to head contact.

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