Why the Falcons loss sucked big time. (25 Viewers)

Because it was winnable.

Because it was a divisional game.

Because we made boneheaded plays that almost NEVER happen and if we didn't do them, we walk away from this game with a win.

Because, we reasonably should be 4-0 but no worse than 3-1.

Because we can never seem to catch consistent breaks.

Because we had the lead with literally 1 minute left and for the life of me NO ONE ON THE COACHING STAFF CAN FIGURE OUT A TWO MINUTE DEFENSE AND IT'S F***ING DISGUSTING!!

Because we do things that hurt ourselves with the regularity of oceanic waves on the beach.

Because of Carol F***ING Baskins!
i mean i think we must all be bad people or done bad things in a prior life for the unfortunate bad luck this team gets.

our qbs passes always get batted in the air 50 feet high for interceptions and when our defenders hit the ball it goes straight to the ground. it’s getting comical

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