Zach Strief played well today. (1 Viewer)


I exist as I am, that is enough
Jun 23, 2005
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Very pleasant surprise. To tell you the truth, I thought he would do awful.

Time to eat more crow.
What an amazing crop of rookies we have this season...

Great game for Strief...
simeon wasn't 100% but regardless, GREAT first game for streif.

gotta say though.. give brees a lot of credit as well. he had a lot of pressure on him at times but was always able to either sidestep the rush or get rid of the ball quickly.
Hmmmm....Strief at LT and Brown back to RT when healthy??
Very pleasant surprise. To tell you the truth, I thought he would do awful.

Time to eat more crow.

Sticky this! I was shocked at how well he did. I've said for awhile now Rice is vastly overrated at this point in his career, but I still thought Rice would eat Strief's lunch. The knock on Strief is he isn't very fast laterally, and with his fingers hurt, I thought he had no chance.

Apparently I know a heck of a lot less about football then I thought I did. Wow. Strief got beat cleanly only 1 time that I saw and Brees just stepped up and took off without getting sacked.
Hmmmm....Strief at LT and Brown back to RT when healthy??
Nah, I doubt it. Sean Payton said the move of JB to LT was perminant. I would like to see Strief start in place of Nesbit, though.
Nah, I doubt it. Sean Payton said the move of JB to LT was perminant. I would like to see Strief start in place of Nesbit, though.

I think it's more likely we won't resign Stinchomb (or will resign him at a O-Guard's salary if he wants to stay) and will move Strief to RT. That's what he's ideal for.
and Strief played with only two fingers on his right hand :)) but he got a lot of help from backs and TE, and Rice had a bad shoulder.... still we did not hear Strief name a lot and same for Rice, which is always a good sign !

No sack again, but no rushing game whatsoever
I wasn't surprised. In preseason Strief played extremely well. And I don't buy the knock on him about agility. He has appeared to have very good feet and balance. It will be interesting to see how the next couple of years turn out with our oline. We HAVE to get better run blocking, but it's a talented YOUNG bunch of linemen
Great Strief! Very gratifying to see him play well against Rice. (Although I really think that Rice is slipping). But I was thinking we could have some trouble on the left side today.

Nice to see that Mike D was waaayyy off on his analysis this morning.
Nah, I doubt it. Sean Payton said the move of JB to LT was perminant. I would like to see Strief start in place of Nesbit, though.

Kinda hard to put a 6'7 player at OG when your QB is 6'0.

Strief insures depth. I think they will try to re-sign Stinchcomb, however Strief is a good fall back plan if Stinch gets too expensive.

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