Why do you dislike Hillary Clinton? (7 Viewers)


Sabine and the Hillary supporters will not be able to get this thread title changed because it is static and not subject to change.

Just so we're clear, I have no problems with this title or any other one, and I think your thread idea is an excellent one.
Hillary would be good for the country and I'm sure she will not be as polarizing as people think. The rush limbaugh lovers act like we were under Stalin when Bill was in office when in fact he was pretty close to the center. I see a presidency under her being similar.

I thought anyone would be better than Bush and that noone could screw the country up any worse, but McCain has given me new hope that someone can come in and dethrone Bush at the bottom of Presidents.
Because, I hear that she likes to suck the chocolate off of Goobers than spit the nuts back in the bowl when no ones looking.
Of the two, Hillary is the worse. In my opinion she is pure evil. She cares absolutely nothing about the people in this country except for the power she expects them to give to her. The sooner she is removed from the political scene the better, as long as she takes that phony husband with her.

I don't understand where this sentiment comes from. I hear it a lot, and I have a number of specific reasons why I don't like her. But c'mon, evil? She is wildly ambitious, no doubt. But I don't think anyone goes into politics at all unless they are pretty ambitious.

I will concede this: she's been very involved in legislation involving families and children. For me, that counts an awful lot. When it comes to any kind of legislation that involves social programs, I'm pretty militantly in favor of those that help children. Obama has been involved in this legislation as well, but you can't take that away from Hillary. How does she get stuck with this kind of label, rather than a guy like Ted Stevens, Tom Tancredo, or Dick Cheney doesn't?

So I really get this notion that a lot of these labels of evil, are just that--labels that got traction years ago, and that people have stuck her with, completely without regard for the facts.

Again, I won't vote for her, unless something happens to McCain that forces him out of the race. But there's been a lot of rhetoric directed at Hillary that belies the facts. It's never been explained clearly to me, and seems to be a purely emotional reaction.
I'll just quote my reply from this thread: http://www.saintsreport.com/forums/showthread.php?t=60570&page=2&highlight=scandal

A few reasons.

First we have had a Bush or Clinton in or near (VP) the White House for 28 years. They are owned by the same people (look at their donor lists) and it's time for that small cabal to loose the death grip they have had over us policy for nearly 3 decades.

Second I don't like the way she and Bill play the game of politics. I respect the gamesmanship but I don't think it's any coincidence the political discourse in this country has declined so much during the Clinton years. While they have been the victims in many cases they have also been the aggressors and I don't think we'll see any improvement in that with Hillary in the White House.

Third, her abuses of power even as First Lady are legendary.

Fourth, the woman wants to garnish the wages of anyone that doesn't want to be on her health plan. I mean, come on!

Fifth, and this is probably the most controversial, I have no respect for her staying in that marriage the way she has. She's either incredibly opportunistic with no principles (likely) or incredibly weak and insecure. We're not talking about one impulsive affair here, we're talking decades of well known well documented infidelity. Yet she stayed all the while at his side with a big smile on her face. It's pathetic and is a window into her character IMO. No matter how you slice staying in a marriage where you are cheated on and publicly humiliated repeatedly over a period of numerous years (his affair issue stretches back to before he was Gov. by all accounts) shows a person with a major character flaw one way or another.

I could actually list more reasons I'm not a Hillary fan but I think I've listed enough reasons I'd never vote for her.
She wears underwear with **** holes in 'em.


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Several reasons, which I admit have everything to do with how she has conducted herself as a public figure--and it has nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman or a Democrat. In fact, I think one of her most positive characteristics is that she's handled some of the more viscious attacks from the right with a degree of grace an tact--most of the time, with the exception of the whole "vast right wing conspiracy" line which had a grain of truth to it, but it clearly diminished the fact that a lot of the grief surrounding Lewinski/impeachment Bill Clinton brought on himself. You reap what you sow.

For one, although all career politicians are power hungry, I'm convinced that everything she's done has been to acquire and hold onto power. Frankly, I don't think we need someone like that in the White House. From her marriage to Clinton, to moving to New York to run for office--the list is endless. Although nothing was proven, I also think she was involved in some shady deals with that failed real-estate deal and the whole thing with the Vince Foster "suicide" just stunk to high heaven.

I'm with SBTB. How any woman with her intelligence, ability and money could have stayed after what Bill Clinton put her through is beyond comprehension, with the exception of the only reason to stay: continue riding on Bill's coattails to big and better things. She knew a nasty divorce would have further sullied both their careers.

I understand that all politicians bring to them a set of skeletons and flaws, but with Hillary Clinton it's a laundry list of pursuing power for the sake of power regardless of the political consequences. I think she represents everything which is wrong with Washington on both sides of the aisle--the quintessential pursuit of power for the sake of having it.

As for her politics, she's actually not as liberale :mad: as Obama, and has a more moderate voting record--she's definitely no dyed-in-the wool socialist, although she does support universal health care, which I'm not too keen on anyway.

I'll guarantee you one thing though: If she gets the nomination, I'll probably vote for McCain while holding my nose. :mad:
Here are my reasons for not liking her:

1. She set up residency in New York, in a balatantly caculating attempt to advance her power.

2. She, with her husband, were part of the getting in bed with the Chinese, something I think was worse for this country than any terrorist attack.

3. She was involved in crafting health care when Bill first took office. Now, 100 years later, she has a plan that at it's core, just defies logic. I think it's terrible. It doesn't bother me one bit if a candidate aspires to universal health care. But the plan she has on the table is just unacceptable to me, and reeks of appeasing the insurance industry and medical lobby. This is what she's come up with after 16 years?

4. Her war position has been very clearly, to me, an attempt to walk a tightrope that appears both pro war/tough, and appeasing to her constituency. I don't care how she voted, and I don't care which side of the issue you are on--it's not a simple issue. But I don't respect the temperature taking of the electorate to guide her positions.

5. She's entrenched deeply in the political machinations of the DNC, including the lobbyists that nurse at the bosom of the party power brokers. I've had a lifetime of that, and I'm sick of it.

6. I respect that she's a policy wonk. I don't think policy wonks translate to good presidents.

There are other reasons. But those are the first one's off the top of my head.

I also haven't been especially impressed with the way she's conducted herself during the campaign; but in that regard, I think she's suffering from the mood of the season...10 years ago, maybe even 4 years ago, I think it would have been considered par for the course.

EDIT: I think RebSaint makes good points about how she's handled some of the attacks from the right, one's I thought were nasty and uncalled for. I agree with that. That's not my issue.
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Hilary has too much baggage to be a uniter. Their will always be people who say she is this type of person and don't trust her at the top office. They think she is power hungry, will say anything to get in office, and like some other poster said to compromising to her constituency.

McCain even though he has serious flaws and maybe says some things he shouldnt, is the best hope for the right right now. I know City Saint said earlier he would be like Bush at the bottom of the totem pole of presidents, I don't think thats true. If you asked him what he thought about Iraq privately, he would tell you it would have to end. He knows Iraq is going to be brought to an end sooner then later and realizes that.

I like Obama's chances in this race. He can try to bring some unity back and failed where Bush did after 9/11 with this country. So thats his track record.

As far as disliking Hillary, I guess I just don't trust her, she could be like her husband but he was not as polarizing as he was. Bill listened to the other side, Hillary does not.
I dislike her for whatever reasons she gave Bill for going outside the marriage for sex. I mean, who would believe he'd do something like that on his own? With a sweet, charming wife like Hillary? C'mon, are you putting me on?

Poor Bill, he was a victim of this woman.
Here are my reasons for not liking her:

1. She set up residency in New York, in a balatantly caculating attempt to advance her power.

2. She, with her husband, were part of the getting in bed with the Chinese, something I think was worse for this country than any terrorist attack.

3. She was involved in crafting health care when Bill first took office. Now, 100 years later, she has a plan that at it's core, just defies logic. I think it's terrible. It doesn't bother me one bit if a candidate aspires to universal health care. But the plan she has on the table is just unacceptable to me, and reeks of appeasing the insurance industry and medical lobby. This is what she's come up with after 16 years?

4. Her war position has been very clearly, to me, an attempt to walk a tightrope that appears both pro war/tough, and appeasing to her constituency. I don't care how she voted, and I don't care which side of the issue you are on--it's not a simple issue. But I don't respect the temperature taking of the electorate to guide her positions.

5. She's entrenched deeply in the political machinations of the DNC, including the lobbyists that nurse at the bosom of the party power brokers. I've had a lifetime of that, and I'm sick of it.

6. I respect that she's a policy wonk. I don't think policy wonks translate to good presidents.

There are other reasons. But those are the first one's off the top of my head.

I also haven't been especially impressed with the way she's conducted herself during the campaign; but in that regard, I think she's suffering from the mood of the season...10 years ago, maybe even 4 years ago, I think it would have been considered par for the course.

EDIT: I think RebSaint makes good points about how she's handled some of the attacks from the right, one's I thought were nasty and uncalled for. I agree with that. That's not my issue.

Shawn, I haven't agreed with all of your posts that I have read, but this one is top-notch. :9: I agree completely
The Clinton Body-Count - I'm not saying...I'm just saying...



Vincent Foster
White House Counsel
died: 7/21/93
Found dead in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington, DC, of a supposed suicide by gunshot. A suicide note was supposedly found a few days later, torn into several pieces, in his briefcase, after his office had been entered by white house staff and materials removed.

The gun which he supposedly used to kill himself was reported to be still in his hand, but the person who first found the body reports that there was no gun at that time. Many irregularities surround the death and the investigation of it.

Foster was also from Hope, Ark., like Clinton, and also worked for the Rose Law firm. Foster had intimate knowledge of the Clintons’ personal finances. Foster was involved in an investigation of their finances, and reportedly made a phone call to Hillary Clinton, in Los Angeles, just hours before his death.

Recently, the signed report of M.E. Dr. Donald Haut was uncovered at the National Archives, proving that Foster had a previously unreported gunshot wound to his neck.

Finally, an FBI memo has surfaced dated the day after the date of the official autopsy, in which the autopsist informs the FBI that there was NO exit wound.

The "suicide" note, (leaked despite official efforts to keep it from view) has since been revealed to be a forgery.

Let the flaming begin: 3..2..1..
A clinton or bush has been in the white house since 1980. Time for a change. Enough with this monarchy/dictatorships.
Add me to the list that doesn't want 36 years of Bush/Clinton dynasties.

I think she would govern the country with the same big state strategy that she lost the nomination with. Her presidency would be tied to Penn who is essentially a less svelte and less keen semi-Dem version of Rove. McCauliffe and the rest of the DLC crowd would be ushered back to destroy the party again.

She's conservative in the wrong ways and too cozy with special interests. I also think she would be too divisive to accomplish many of her campaign goals.

Obama's policy positions fit my views slightly more than Clinton's. I trust and respect both Obama and McCain far more than her.

Regardless of all the other issues, her Iraq war vote and refusal to admit mistake meant I could never support her.

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