AAF done? (1 Viewer)

Yeah apparently the NFL players union not only refuses to let players practice, they destroyed this development league for player "safety". People aren't smart enough to decide for themselves if they'd like to play football. Better have some sociopath control freak have gov force you to not play football for your own safety.
Yeah apparently the NFL players union not only refuses to let players practice, they destroyed this development league for player "safety". People aren't smart enough to decide for themselves if they'd like to play football. Better have some sociopath control freak have gov force you to not play football for your own safety.
Not sure what you mean? The NFL players union destroyed this AAF league? Explain that please.
Wow, wasn't expecting that. Cash problems. I thought they'd at least make one full season. Just can't keep it going, not enough funding. When Johnny Manziel is giving words of wisdom it's gotta be bad.

Funding issues because the major investor pulled out because, he says, the NFLPA won't agree to allow NFL players to participate.
"They’re also worried that teams would “abuse their power and pehaps force young players into AAF action as a condition for consideration for NFL roster spots in the fall,” the paper reported."

However, they are not not concerned about themselves abusing their power and taking away the opportunity away from 100s of young men to develop as a football player.
I really don’t understand why the NFL players union wouldn’t want a chance for guys to improve their craft and increase their chances at an NFL career. I figured the NFLPA would want to get players every chance they can to benefit their careers.

The only explanation I can think of is injuries and insurance. Like if a practice squad player gets hurt in the AAF, does the NFL team pick up the tab or the AAF?
Refused to let AAF use practice squad players or any other NFL players. AAF wanted to be a development minor league for players and the union refused to let that happen. Man I really hate unions. Trucking one tried to murder my grandad on 3 separate occasions. https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/mar/27/alliance-american-football-danger-folding-without-/

Well, considering all the NFL connections within the AAF, it seems like any future league would need a much more explicit partnership with the NFL prior to formation. I don't fully understand how the AAF would think they could be an NFL developmental league without NFL permission in the first place.
The investor folded the league because he was getting a bad return on in investment not because of the NFLPA. You don't need practice squad players to fill those rosters in the AAF.
Well, considering all the NFL connections within the AAF, it seems like any future league would need a much more explicit partnership with the NFL prior to formation. I don't fully understand how the AAF would think they could be an NFL developmental league without NFL permission in the first place.

The NFL had no obligations to the AAF. Additionally, the NFL’s current CBA wouldn’t allow any use of players. The NFL is bound to that agreement. Everyone knew that in advance, including the AAF and it’s founders.

The wild card is the yo yo who bought control of the league. He has to be an idiot to think he could attach himself to the NFL and demand use of its players, in spite of the CBA.

He was lucky to ever get an audience with the NFL to discuss the potential of working together in the future. Those talks were labeled optimistic by both sides, then he pulled the plug a day later.

I wanted the AAF to be successful, but the NFL has no obligations to them. If that was the plan, it should have been worked out in advance. Problem is Johnny come lately thought he could leverage the NFL in spite of their contractual obligations to the players union.
The first few weeks the games were interesting and worth a look. As time went on, most of the teams didn't past the eye test and the product on the field was bad. Can't sell a product if there is nothing worth selling.

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