Advice on a medical issue for my sister-in-law (1 Viewer)

Feb 23, 2002
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Before you start reading, if you want an opportunity to rant about the state of our medical system and insurance in general take it to the politics board please.

My sister-in-law is in a bad situation and I am trying to help as much as I can.

Just for some background, she is 32 and currently in school to become a hair stylist. She was in a bad marriage that led to some very bad situations but she is working hard to get her life back in order and I am very proud of how much she has progressed in the last few years.

She has a very serious cyst on her uterus that is causing intense pain and will require surgery. The doctor has said that if they move quickly they may be able to remove the cyst without doing a hysterectomy. Unfortunately, she doesn't have insurance. She is trying to schedule the procedure and just pay it over time with the doctors, but the doctor recommending the procedure won't schedule it unless she pays him up front for his portion. She is not in a financial situation where she can come up with that money quickly and is in intense pain.

Does anyone know of any charity organizations or groups that we can contact to try to get her some assistance? She doesn't want to get away without paying for her surgery, but she is not in a position to do so right now and really needs to get this done.
Before you start reading, if you want an opportunity to rant about the state of our medical system and insurance in general take it to the politics board please.

My sister-in-law is in a bad situation and I am trying to help as much as I can.

Just for some background, she is 32 and currently in school to become a hair stylist. She was in a bad marriage that led to some very bad situations but she is working hard to get her life back in order and I am very proud of how much she has progressed in the last few years.

She has a very serious cyst on her uterus that is causing intense pain and will require surgery. The doctor has said that if they move quickly they may be able to remove the cyst without doing a hysterectomy. Unfortunately, she doesn't have insurance. She is trying to schedule the procedure and just pay it over time with the doctors, but the doctor recommending the procedure won't schedule it unless she pays him up front for his portion. She is not in a financial situation where she can come up with that money quickly and is in intense pain.

Does anyone know of any charity organizations or groups that we can contact to try to get her some assistance? She doesn't want to get away without paying for her surgery, but she is not in a position to do so right now and really needs to get this done.
Is she in Alabama too?
Before you start reading, if you want an opportunity to rant about the state of our medical system and insurance in general take it to the politics board please.

My sister-in-law is in a bad situation and I am trying to help as much as I can.

Just for some background, she is 32 and currently in school to become a hair stylist. She was in a bad marriage that led to some very bad situations but she is working hard to get her life back in order and I am very proud of how much she has progressed in the last few years.

She has a very serious cyst on her uterus that is causing intense pain and will require surgery. The doctor has said that if they move quickly they may be able to remove the cyst without doing a hysterectomy. Unfortunately, she doesn't have insurance. She is trying to schedule the procedure and just pay it over time with the doctors, but the doctor recommending the procedure won't schedule it unless she pays him up front for his portion. She is not in a financial situation where she can come up with that money quickly and is in intense pain.

Does anyone know of any charity organizations or groups that we can contact to try to get her some assistance? She doesn't want to get away without paying for her surgery, but she is not in a position to do so right now and really needs to get this done.

i don't have any advice, but man is that a terrible situation.

could she possibly go see another doctor that might be willing to be more flexible on the payment arrangements? Or maybe go to a County (Charity) type hospital? I mean if you show up in an E/R in intense pain and need an operation, they can't turn you away.. Just trying to think of things that i might do in that situation.. Hope it turns out ok.
I'd call the Red Cross. I'm not sure if they will have any way to help her financially but I am pretty sure they can put her in touch with organisations which can. I hope it works out well for her.
Check into Quality of Life medical care. I know some people that have used them with much success over here in Anniston.

We got in touch with them this morning but they don't have any surgeons on staff. Thanks for the help though, it was a better opportunity then we have found anywhere else.

We are looking into a few other options, but any other leads would be greatly appreciated.
We got in touch with them this morning but they don't have any surgeons on staff. Thanks for the help though, it was a better opportunity then we have found anywhere else.

We are looking into a few other options, but any other leads would be greatly appreciated.

You could take her to a teaching hospital like UAB. She would probably get operated on by a resident supervised by an attending surgeon, but they are usually more willing to work with you on the bill if you let them use it as a teaching opportunity. I know it sounds scary, but I represent a lot of doctors and hospitals and the residents are actually very good and pay a lot of attention to detail.
We got in touch with them this morning but they don't have any surgeons on staff. Thanks for the help though, it was a better opportunity then we have found anywhere else.

We are looking into a few other options, but any other leads would be greatly appreciated.
Damn, sorry man.

You could take her to a teaching hospital like UAB. She would probably get operated on by a resident supervised by an attending surgeon, but they are usually more willing to work with you on the bill if you let them use it as a teaching opportunity. I know it sounds scary, but I represent a lot of doctors and hospitals and the residents are actually very good and pay a lot of attention to detail.
^^ This ^^

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