Analyst Warren Sharp on the unprecedented unfairness in the NFL schedule (1 Viewer)

We have two Thursday night games, but don't seem to be playing a team coming off their bye week. That might be a first.

That is a pretty lopsided schedule. There will always inequity in this regard as it is difficult to meet a lot of criteria when scheduling, but this is on the extreme side. SF will be playing a lot of rested teams.
if they made it “fair”, their product would not be worth as much. It’s why all teams don’t play all their games on sundays anymore
At least the Saints are on the positive side of the rest ledger, but damn.

The Raiders get SIX opponents coming off of MNF. And the Jets are gifted the best rest disparity in the league . . .

They should just create a minor league for Tuesday-Friday and go back to Sunday each team get 1 Monday. It's too much. Even if this unintentionally if the jets make a run this going pop up. Wish the integrity of the sport was more important then popularity of sport
We have two Thursday night games, but don't seem to be playing a team coming off their bye week. That might be a first.

That is a pretty lopsided schedule. There will always inequity in this regard as it is difficult to meet a lot of criteria when scheduling, but this is on the extreme side. SF will be playing a lot of rested teams.

With 32 teams and 17 games over 18 weeks with four different time categories (Sunday afternoon, SNF, MNF, TNF), they could use an algorithm to set a schedule to favor things like minimizing rest differentials, or travel times, etc.

What this says to me is they're not doing that. They're most likely doing it purely by humans setting games for various interests, matchups, television appeal, etc. - and they might even be doing shady things like trying to favor certain teams, which totally sucks. The Jets going from two years in a row near the league worst on rest to the league best after getting Rodgers is a pretty suspicious result.

They could use technology to minimize these inequities but they're not, which suggests they don't really value that as something to try to fix. That's their prerogative I guess, it's a business and they sell a TV product, but they could at least just admit it.
With 32 teams and 17 games over 18 weeks with four different time categories (Sunday afternoon, SNF, MNF, TNF), they could use an algorithm to set a schedule to favor things like minimizing rest differentials, or travel times, etc.

What this says to me is they're not doing that. They're most likely doing it purely by humans setting games for various interests, matchups, television appeal, etc. - and they might even be doing shady things like trying to favor certain teams, which totally sucks. The Jets going from two years in a row near the league worst on rest to the league best after getting Rodgers is a pretty suspicious result.

They could use technology to minimize these inequities but they're not, which suggests they don't really value that as something to try to fix. That's their prerogative I guess, it's a business and they sell a TV product, but they could at least just admit it.
Same goes for not really addressing the rules and interpretations of the rules. It doesn't appear that getting the call right is their goal as they continue to avoid using the best technology and making rules more definitive. They insist on leaving in a great deal of leeway for plausible deniability.
So let me run this through the ol’ computer…

The Chiefs, a smaller market team, has been ruling the league essentially since 2018 - let’s wear them down a bit by decreasing their rest to give a better opportunity to the larger market teams - like the JETS jets jets jets. they trade for Rodgers and now they have the most rest of all teams? Hmmmm… I wonder if they will do anything special for Las Vegas that brings in so much gambling money?

Hmmmm…6 opponents coming off a short week?!?

Yeah…nothing fishy about that. Nothing at all.
The NFL got called out last season for being "scripted", this year the NFL had each team release their "scripts". They aren't even hiding that it's scripted or at the very least desired outcomes with the NFL's team (officials) ensuring certain outcomes happen. These outcomes can change as the season goes along. If ARod gets injured, watch how things flex against the Jets instead of everything being favored towards them right now.
With 32 teams and 17 games over 18 weeks with four different time categories (Sunday afternoon, SNF, MNF, TNF), they could use an algorithm to set a schedule to favor things like minimizing rest differentials, or travel times, etc.

What this says to me is they're not doing that. They're most likely doing it purely by humans setting games for various interests, matchups, television appeal, etc. - and they might even be doing shady things like trying to favor certain teams, which totally sucks. The Jets going from two years in a row near the league worst on rest to the league best after getting Rodgers is a pretty suspicious result.

They could use technology to minimize these inequities but they're not, which suggests they don't really value that as something to try to fix. That's their prerogative I guess, it's a business and they sell a TV product, but they could at least just admit it.
I think there was a video from a couple years ago of the NFL "process" for creating the schedule? I think the premise was there was more human decision (literally a bunch of NFL staffers in a room) than anything else. Seemed a bit subjective then and that was before the NFL money grab went full on.
At least the Saints are on the positive side of the rest ledger, but damn.

The Raiders get SIX opponents coming off of MNF. And the Jets are gifted the best rest disparity in the league . . .

Not shocked that they want the Jets to succeed. Might have to put a bet on them this year. Total wins

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