Analyst Warren Sharp on the unprecedented unfairness in the NFL schedule (1 Viewer)

The NFL got called out last season for being "scripted", this year the NFL had each team release their "scripts". They aren't even hiding that it's scripted or at the very least desired outcomes with the NFL's team (officials) ensuring certain outcomes happen. These outcomes can change as the season goes along. If ARod gets injured, watch how things flex against the Jets instead of everything being favored towards them right now.

He isnt even factoring in the "officiating" crews.

And did anyone else read "Warren Sapp" ? im like Warren Sapp delving into analytics? Oh i gotta read this. lol
Is the NFL scripted? No.

Is every NFL game rigged? No.

But you are absolutely living a life of blissful ignorance if you don't think the NFL has outcomes they prefer and in some cases will step in and ensure they get those outcomes.

Does anyone still actually believe the Saints were ever going to win the 2018 NFC Championship Game?
Does anyone still actually believe the Saints were ever going to win the 2018 NFC Championship Game?

Exactly- they didnt get a darling QB- they got an NFL team with a $6BILLION stadium under construction!!!

Damn right they were going to play in the 2018 Superbowl.
I think there was a video from a couple years ago of the NFL "process" for creating the schedule? I think the premise was there was more human decision (literally a bunch of NFL staffers in a room) than anything else. Seemed a bit subjective then and that was before the NFL money grab went full on.

Great find - yes, it seems so archaic and not surprising at all that there's all sorts of goofiness in it.

They should at least use an algorithm to either present a proposed schedule that they can tweak, or on the back side to check it or inequities and propose fixes.

This isn't some new idea, we've been using computers for this kind of thing for decades now. And to be clear, they are using computers, but it sounds like the primary inputs are human and the computer just "fills out the rest" (is an actual quote).
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They should just create a minor league for Tuesday-Friday and go back to Sunday each team get 1 Monday. It's too much. Even if this unintentionally if the jets make a run this going pop up. Wish the integrity of the sport was more important then popularity of sport

There's a reason why the minors aren't typically on TV. People don't want to watch them.
After the "NO Call" in NO..I stopped taking the NFL and football seriously besides injuries. It's entertainment, and if the players speak up and demand changes, I will support them....until then....we been knew the NFL was a joke
Maybe they're trying to get away from corrupting the referees into influencing the outcomes of the games.
Maybe they're trying to get away from corrupting the referees into influencing the outcomes of the games.
Nope. That is just done at a subtle level when the refs prep for a game and are instructed by the NFL to “watch” for certain things.

Other times the officials just take matters into their own hands, integrity be damned. Nothing is more obvious than the refs refusal to overturn PI reviews. No way would they allow the coaches to control that point shaving tool.
when you've got games on Thursdays, Sundays, Mondays, and Saturdays (at the end of the season), morning, afternoon and night games, teams flying from one coast to another, random games in other countries and continents, and varying bye weeks, it will always be inherently unfair and some teams will get screwed more than others. I always just hope the Saints are on the lower tier of the screwing.
Poor 49ers. Feel bad for those guys. The Jets have everything going their way this season. It will be interesting to how they botch it this go round.
All the league had to do was expand to 18 weeks, but maintain the total number of games at 16. Give each team two byes: one in the first half and one in the second. Nobody plays on short rest on a Thursday. The league would still have that extra week of games and see revenue increases… all while giving players a fighting chance with recovery from week to week.

I’m just so tired of almost everything the spiteful, biased Goodell regime has brought to the sport. EAT IT, ROG!
This dude might want to stay away from open windows in tall buildings...angering professional sport's version of Putin might not be a good idea....

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