Are you a prepper? (1 Viewer)

I don't even know where to start with this, except to say I'm sorry you have had the life experiences to bring you to this point...

I'm sure another thread would be more appropriate, and I don't have the stats in front of me, but I've known plenty of women who've worked multiple jobs to provide for themselves and children. Not sure how that leads to world destruction...

Lol, the evidence is everywhere. Just because you know "plenty of women" who work doesn't mean anything. You have a really naive point of view if you deny what is going on in Japan and it has started to spread, worldwide. Men who pay more taxes are disappearing from college education, stopped competing at the corporate ladder and are seeking lesser paying jobs than say what the baby boomers did.

Men disappearing from the workforce.

Men are disappearing from the workforce - Jun. 19, 2013

The system is and will always be built on men always paying more taxes, the system is built upon keeping the production high. How many of those "plenty of women" you know that work as construction workers, steel workers, factory workers, road workers jobs that are hard, physical labor jobs that are disappearing?

It is not a hard concept to grasp, really, the government is marginalizing the group of people that pay the most in upkeeping this system. If things stay as they are and I fully expect they will due to the 51% of the electorate being female who has an obsession with state sponsored protection/provision which is evidence of the welfare mom epidemic. The fact that 84.1% of children under 18 were being raised by single moms in 2012 in the USA. 45% of those children were from women that never married, 55% of them were from divorced parents.


<table class="twelve small"><thead><tr><th class=" PIN_1372868366036_hazClick">* with child(ren) under 18</th> <th>2011<sup>5</sup></th> <th>%</th> <th>2012</th> <th>%</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class=" PIN_1372868366036_hazClick">Single Mothers</td> <td>10,025,000</td> <td>85.2</td> <td>10,322,000</td> <td>84.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Single Fathers</td> <td>1,735,000</td> <td>14.8</td> <td>1,956,000</td> <td>15.9</td></tr></tbody></table>

Ask yourself why society has crumbled over the last 60 years since the marginalization of men started? Men were removed from the homes as one-sided divorce laws were put into place, no-fault divorce being the main culprit.

When incentives were introduced to divorcing, women initiated divorces in the majority, 75% of the divorces are initiated by women and 50% of the marriages that end up in it. So now you have several generations of children that had 0 fathers in their lives. It comes as no surprise the crime rates rose by a ridiculous amount since 1950.

Marriage rates plummet 66% since 1950.

Now you have women only college grants and increasing college costs. This leads to about a 60-40 women to men ratio in college.

Dr.Helen Smith(author of men on strike): 60% of college attendees now are women, and 40% are men, it comes as no surprise the reason why men are disappearing from college is men do not have the same funding help as women do. Men are continuing to disappear from post-secondary education at an alarming rate.

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An interview between Dr.Helen Smith with Erin Pizzey, the woman who started the first battered woman's shelter.

What more evidence do you need? I'll debate you all day.
Debate? LOL. Correlation does not equal causation. Is "marginalization" the new catchphrase for "I'd rather get drunk and watch TV?" Please. They'll be plenty of time for that, once civilization collapses. :hihi:
Debate? LOL. Correlation does not equal causation. Is "marginalization" the new catchphrase for "I'd rather get drunk and watch TV?" Please. They'll be plenty of time for that, once civilization collapses. :hihi:

So you're going to sit there and deny everything I just showed you? You're not even worth responding to. With all due respect, you have a very simple and very naive view on what has been slowly unfolding over the past 60 years.

The evidence is pretty overwhelming that if things don't start changing soon, major, catastrophic problems will arise when enough men opt out. The birth rates are already unsustainable and will drop even further.
What more evidence do you need? I'll debate you all day.

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So you're going to sit there and deny everything I just showed you? You're not even worth responding to. With all due respect, you have a very simple and very naive view on what has been slowly unfolding over the past 60 years.

The evidence is pretty overwhelming that if things don't start changing soon, major, catastrophic problems will arise when enough men opt out. The birth rates are already unsustainable and will drop even further.

as a teacher of HS kids, I have noticed things that you are discussing
many more MOTIVATED women in college than men
in HS you might have 1-2 high achieving boys in the class then almost all of the girls will be ranked behind them and then the boys will fill out the bottom

i notice boys in PE class picking teams continually try to stack teams - so that maybe all the bball players are on one team and the debate team is on the other side - i ask them all the time why they create a scenario where nobody is going to have fun, no one's going to learn anything?
i give kids some timeoff for exams - 90% of the girls will go to the library; 90% of the boys will play some pick-up game that will have 5 minutes of competition and 1 hour of taking half court shots

i think you're seeing the right stats and coming away with WAY wrong analysis
girls/women are overtaking (and have overtaken), but it is simply b/c men/boys have not adapted to the new reality
adapt or perish - it's very basic
I have plans in place to move out of state in the event of localized problems and in the event of nation wide meltdowns. If a global meltdown occurs, I'm screwed.
So the fact that more women are in the workforce, thus bringing the percentage of men in the workforce (aka, number of stay at home dads, or dads who are self-employed or doing other things than being in the "employed/actively looking for jobs" category) is proof that men are disappearing from the workforce and that collapse is imminent? :smilielol:

The system is and will always be built on men always paying more taxes, the system is built upon keeping the production high. How many of those "plenty of women" you know that work as construction workers, steel workers, factory workers, road workers jobs that are hard, physical labor jobs that are disappearing?

Those jobs are decreasing because of corporatization and globalization and less need for hard physical manual labor. The US isn't built on manual labor, it is built on freedom of opportunity for all even if it can't always meet that lofty goal. At a time, yes those jobs were very important. At a time agriculture was dominant in the labor force, now it is almost nonexistent.

The fact that 84.1% of children under 18 were being raised by single moms in 2012 in the USA. 45% of those children were from women that never married, 55% of them were from divorced parents.

That is the percent of children already in single parent families that are raised by women. The actual percent of children in single parent families is around 25%. That means 75% of children are raised in a two-parent family.

Dr.Helen Smith(author of men on strike): 60% of college attendees now are women, and 40% are men, it comes as no surprise the reason why men are disappearing from college is men do not have the same funding help as women do.
It comes as a BIG surprise because that is not shown by data -- that is this very poor researcher's conclusion being jumped to without any supporting data.
What more evidence do you need? I'll debate you all day.
If that is the type of "evidence" you bring, you'll be having your debate *** handed to you all day long.
On page 1 of this thread, people are talking about preppers.

On page 5, you have some "men's rights" guy talking about the "marginalization of men".

I think the appropriate phrase is: "Evel Knievel couldn't make that leap."
On page 1 of this thread, people are talking about preppers.

On page 5, you have some "men's rights" guy talking about the "marginalization of men".

I think the appropriate phrase is: "Evel Knievel couldn't make that leap."

see? adaptation - this is what i'm talking about

and it's true that Evel couldn't jump it, but i bet Nik Wallenda could walk across it
In my opinion, it won't be some attack/virus event, it will be a more realistic event to cause the collapse. I give it 30 years, minimum before it happens if things continue on as it is and I'll explain why.

1. The Baby Boomers are going to be finishing up their careers and start their retirements over the next few years. This is lots or production that will be lost, this newer generation of people don't think the same way they did.

2. Men are taxed at such a ridiculous rate and are now starting to opt out of the workforce, 2nd level education and are on strike in terms of marriage. Men are pretty much refusing to work themselves to death like the older generations of the past did. This is the direct result of the marginalization of men and the result of mechanization. Men want to enjoy technology and leisure time more than ever now in days. Working 50-70 hrs a week will be the thing of a past as men refuse to be providers for families.

3. Men will continue to be marginalized with women controlling 51% of the electorate. This means women will continue employing identity politics and voting in candidates who will give them what they want. As college becomes more expensive, men don't have nearly the amount of help women do and on the flipside, men don't have affirmative action help to get jobs. This is why men are disappearing from the workforce.

4. Men are paying the western governments bills through the insane amount of taxes men pay as opposed to women. The state provides more for women than any single man could provide, this is the reason why there is a welfare mom epidemic. Women are not going to go back to men who simply cannot protect/provide as well as the state can. This means more taxes are required to keep this going. Unfortunately, men are starting to deprive the state of those taxes and will become far far worse as time goes on.

5. Eventually so many men will opt out the state simply won't be able to afford the welfare mom and huge amounts of government programs will be slashed. Unfortunately, by this time, it will be too late because the government is now in a catch 22. This is already been going on in Japan for more than a decade, the Japanese government STILL doesn't have a clue as to why either. In japan, 60% of all the Japanese men from 18-40 stopped marrying, stopped competing at the corporate ladder, the government is slowly being bankrupt. The government over there has been offering incentives to get married and the men are still refusing and opting out. These men are taking 30-35hr a week part time jobs, living alone with enough money to fund a videogame habit. In turn, that is less money for the Japanese government to tax should he have worked the traditional 50-70hr work week men have in the past.

6. The governments are in a catch 22. With women being the 51% of the majority of voters, they won't throw women under the bus by increasing the taxes women pay. The governments will continue to marginalize men even when it is men who pay the most money into the system which will result in a complete collapse that will eventually also happen, worldwide.

7. When the governments do go bankrupt from lack of taxation and how thirsty politicians have been at growing the government. Society will try to go back to the old model of men protecting and providing while trying to ignore the past 80 years(at this point) of marginalizing men.

Men will then flip the middle finger and thus, the completing the collapse.

My prediction, 2043 at the earliest if things continue on as they are as of now.

If I could boil this down to one central theme it is that Government is being called upon to do too much and will cave in upon itself causing chaos due to the slashing of programs.

I don't know guys, Firecross is so passionate and relentless with his cause. He's starting to win me over.

While fire cross may have his points, rather than the marginalization of men, what I think we are seeing is a generation of women who have learned the hard way that they can't depend on some guy to support them. Lots of the women I know are that way, been let down, guys not dependable, to heck with them. They are getting their education, making their money, doing their thing. More of a failure of men in this culture that men are not achieving more.
In my opinion, it won't be some attack/virus event, it will be a more realistic event to cause the collapse. I give it 30 years, minimum before it happens if things continue on as it is and I'll explain why.

1. The Baby Boomers are going to be finishing up their careers and start their retirements over the next few years. This is lots or production that will be lost, this newer generation of people don't think the same way they did.

2. Men are taxed at such a ridiculous rate and are now starting to opt out of the workforce, 2nd level education and are on strike in terms of marriage. Men are pretty much refusing to work themselves to death like the older generations of the past did. This is the direct result of the marginalization of men and the result of mechanization. Men want to enjoy technology and leisure time more than ever now in days. Working 50-70 hrs a week will be the thing of a past as men refuse to be providers for families.

3. Men will continue to be marginalized with women controlling 51% of the electorate. This means women will continue employing identity politics and voting in candidates who will give them what they want. As college becomes more expensive, men don't have nearly the amount of help women do and on the flipside, men don't have affirmative action help to get jobs. This is why men are disappearing from the workforce.

4. Men are paying the western governments bills through the insane amount of taxes men pay as opposed to women. The state provides more for women than any single man could provide, this is the reason why there is a welfare mom epidemic. Women are not going to go back to men who simply cannot protect/provide as well as the state can. This means more taxes are required to keep this going. Unfortunately, men are starting to deprive the state of those taxes and will become far far worse as time goes on.

5. Eventually so many men will opt out the state simply won't be able to afford the welfare mom and huge amounts of government programs will be slashed. Unfortunately, by this time, it will be too late because the government is now in a catch 22. This is already been going on in Japan for more than a decade, the Japanese government STILL doesn't have a clue as to why either. In japan, 60% of all the Japanese men from 18-40 stopped marrying, stopped competing at the corporate ladder, the government is slowly being bankrupt. The government over there has been offering incentives to get married and the men are still refusing and opting out. These men are taking 30-35hr a week part time jobs, living alone with enough money to fund a videogame habit. In turn, that is less money for the Japanese government to tax should he have worked the traditional 50-70hr work week men have in the past.

6. The governments are in a catch 22. With women being the 51% of the majority of voters, they won't throw women under the bus by increasing the taxes women pay. The governments will continue to marginalize men even when it is men who pay the most money into the system which will result in a complete collapse that will eventually also happen, worldwide.

7. When the governments do go bankrupt from lack of taxation and how thirsty politicians have been at growing the government. Society will try to go back to the old model of men protecting and providing while trying to ignore the past 80 years(at this point) of marginalizing men.

Men will then flip the middle finger and thus, the completing the collapse.

My prediction, 2043 at the earliest if things continue on as they are as of now.

Oh, I see where the leap happened. I wonder if this guy has any interactions with society. As a young professional, I meet an incredible amount of driven men and women who have done the very opposite of what he is talking about. It seems like he's taken a bunch of stereotypes (welfare mom "epidemic", baby boomers being the only productive generation, affirmative action keeping men from working, etc.) and formed an extremely ill-informed conclusion.

Better stay in your basement. The world is much different than you seem to think.

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