Arrow - Spoilers galore (1 Viewer)

I'm not sure if anyone on this forum is a fan of the show Arrow, but if you are a comic book fan and you aren't watching, you need to give it a try. The first season was outstanding and season 2 has been even better.

I was turned onto this show by a board member here. They were right. It's pretty darn good.
I've been watching season 2 and realized this show has not been talked about.recently.

Season 2 has been pretty darn good and hoping we see The Flash before seasons end.


Slade was threatening to hurt Oliver's family and I figured he would come close to doing so but would ultimately fail. Well last nights episode proved me wrong. Oliver having to choose between his mothers life or sisters life. Then having to watch his mother be executed.

Total mind blow of an ending/episode.

Arrow is a great show, i'm enjoying it!

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That was some Game of Thrones type stuff there. Wonder who else is going to die. Laurel or her sister, or still Thea? Some great moments last night.

*** SPOILER **
Arrow is a great show, i'm enjoying it!

*** SPOILER ***

That was some Game of Thrones type stuff there. Wonder who else is going to die. Laurel or her sister, or still Thea? Some great moments last night.

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I have to guess that Sara is next. That said, I can only imagine how Thea's going to react in the wake of what happened last night. "How could you lie to me? It's what's hurting me and it got mom killed!" Looking forward to having Malcolm Merlyn pop back up again, though. I wouldn't mind seeing him and Oliver team up to take on Slade for the purpose of protecting Thea (only to probably see Thea go with Merlyn in the end).
I have to guess that Sara is next. That said, I can only imagine how Thea's going to react in the wake of what happened last night. "How could you lie to me? It's what's hurting me and it got mom killed!" Looking forward to having Malcolm Merlyn pop back up again, though. I wouldn't mind seeing him and Oliver team up to take on Slade for the purpose of protecting Thea (only to probably see Thea go with Merlyn in the end).

Yeah, it definitely looks like the Dark Archer will become an ally sometime in the next few weeks. He will want to protect his daughter, especially after what happened to Tommy. I just hope Thea drops her one-note tune about being lied to. It's getting old.

I was really hoping they would find a way to keep Deathstroke alive and eventually turn him into the mercenary anti-hero/somtimes villain he is in the comics(at least when I read them in 90s), but it looks like he's gone too far. I just don't see Ollie letting his mother's murderer live, but I guess it would follow one of the major themes of this season.

Oh, and my guess for the "old friend" Sara is going to see is Nyssa, but I could be wrong.
I've been watching season 2 and realized this show has not been talked about.recently.

Season 2 has been pretty darn good and hoping we see The Flash before seasons end.

I'd love to see the flash in action sometime soon, but wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't wake up until the Flash pilot. Then maybe a crossover a few episodes into the next season of Arrow.
Yeah, it definitely looks like the Dark Archer will become an ally sometime in the next few weeks. He will want to protect his daughter, especially after what happened to Tommy. I just hope Thea drops her one-note tune about being lied to. It's getting old.

I was really hoping they would find a way to keep Deathstroke alive and eventually turn him into the mercenary anti-hero/somtimes villain he is in the comics(at least when I read them in 90s), but it looks like he's gone too far. I just don't see Ollie letting his mother's murderer live, but I guess it would follow one of the major themes of this season.

Oh, and my guess for the "old friend" Sara is going to see is Nyssa, but I could be wrong.

Well, from what I remember hearing, I think Slade's going to stick around for a little while. I don't know how because, like you said, he's gone too far. But that cure is going to play a major part in the last few episodes. With Ollie seemingly having turned the corner in regards to killing, I could see him somehow curing Slade of the Mirakuru and having him locked up (or Deathstroke is otherwise left as an open thread into season 3). I thought the cure might have come last night with Rage Roy, but I guess that's a little early with 3 episodes left. He can't be on that table hopped up on viper venom forever.
I'd love to see the flash in action sometime soon, but wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't wake up until the Flash pilot. Then maybe a crossover a few episodes into the next season of Arrow.
They're supposed to bring Barry (though probably not the Flash) back sometime before the season ends. Haven't heard anything about that changing.
Arrow is now on my must-watch list. It's not particularly deep but it's a heck of a lot of fun.


This week got a little more deep, though, with the rather unexpected death.

BTW, I really don't think anyone else is going to die this season. I don't see them getting rid of Sara because of the whole Black Canary thing, but they've foreshadowed her leaving the show, at least for a while. I'd like to see more of the Summer Glau character. This is probably the best part she's played since Firefly/Serenity.
They're supposed to bring Barry (though probably not the Flash) back sometime before the season ends. Haven't heard anything about that changing.

Barry was originally supposed to re-appear in episodes 19 and 20 as a backdoor Flash pilot. Those episodes have already passed. Once they got the green light for a full Flash pilot, plans to have Barry appear again this season were scrapped. Probably for the best. There is way to much going on right now to have to tell that story too.
I'd like to see more of the Summer Glau character. This is probably the best part she's played since Firefly/Serenity.

She's definitely going to be back.

***possible spoilers***
I originally assumed she was going to be Slade's daughter, but they're saying that isn't the case. However, it looks like she is supposed to become Ravager. Evidently, in early drafts of the show Sara was supposed to return as Ravager rather than Canary but they changed their minds.
Figured this is why many are saying Sarah will be leaving the show for a while... She probably have to give her undying love to Nyssa in return for the League's help.

Now that Sara has decided she is, indeed, a killer, she probably will offer to go back to the League if they help battle Slade. Makes sense.

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