At The Wilson Football Factory (1 Viewer)


Oct 7, 2006
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Very nice, but why did you post it here?

EDIT: I see it's in the right forum now. Thanks for posting it.
Wow. Really cool how just about everything is still done by hand.
Great video. No wonder the authentic balls are so expensive. I had no idea they were hand made. I'd hate to have that guys job of turning the ball inside out.
Great stuff! Good to be American and know we still make a quality product like this. I have had my "Duke" for over twenty years and now know who actually touched it before me! They do a great job @ Wilson!
I love to watch industrial athletes. They are heroes in their own right, at least to me they are.

I'd hate to have that guys job of turning the ball inside out.

I bet that guy could grab someone's face and rip it right off. :hihi:

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