At Training Camp - Joke or Not Funny At All [THREAD CLOSED] (1 Viewer)

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I was somewhat there on Sunday (at the picnic - maybe not at the exact place the incident occurred) and I want to shed a little perspective on this.

First of all, it is rather unlikely this could have happened during the main autograph signing that happened immediately after practice. The reason is because the athletes are not allowed to leave the field. They all have to sign autographs until the horn sounds.

This signing-dupe most likely happened during the Picnic part of the day.

I even recall "Coltson" walking out and it being extremely odd. It was extremely odd because this was WAY AFTER practice and after the players had eaten during the roped-in signing part of the practice.

What was odd? Every single other player who came out for autographs at this time was wearing relaxing or street clothes. Nobody else was wearing a helmet at this time including Snead or Kelemete who both wear their helmet during the normal post-practice autograph sessions.

Most players dont even wear their jersey numbers during this session. I had to point out to one lady who Kennan Lewis was when he was standing right next to her.

Still I missed the obvious "red flags" as well, but they were there.

One other thing to understand is that some of the autograph fans are down right rude. One such example that was starting to bother me was one lady standing next to me. She started insulting Drew Brees because he wouldnt sign some jersey she claimed she had for her relative serving over seas. "Do It for the troops! You have no respect for the troops!" she exclaimed from across the cement patio as if Drew had any idea what she was talking about.

Other autograph hounds (a small but easily observable percentage) would even be snobby to players they did not know intimating they were only interested in the big name players.

I was not surprised when I overheard one of the players say to his teammate, "I aint signing ******" And yet the overheard comment miffed the person next to me.

This part is my opinion feel free to see things your own way.
I see that Coleman made a mistake in judgement, but I definitely get where he was coming from.
I also understand how the guy who got his jersey signed might be bent, and yet I also definitely see the humor in it.
I was somewhat there on Sunday (at the picnic - maybe not at the exact place the incident occurred) and I want to shed a little perspective on this.....

Awesome post, the other thing to consider is that the players don't consider this their "home" crowd. They will be a lot more responsive in new orleans than they are at a function they probably hate doing, with a bunch of rich snooty country club types.

Especially ones heckling them for autographs.
If Brandon Coleman squirted him with a water gun or something, then yeah....prank...and dude can get over it. I think signing a jersey that wasn't intended for him to sign is basically defacing property and showing disrespect.

This ^

If you are going to deface someone else's property as a joke, then make it right by offering to replace it instead of just giving a "Sorry, lol" apology.
Awesome post, the other thing to consider is that the players don't consider this their "home" crowd.
I dont know about that part.

Kaleb seemed happy enough to me....


You know if this guy came on here and told this story about a really young fan of
Colstons trying to get his autograph on his colston jersey only to be pranked and laughed at in which the young fan started crying because of being made fun at and he ruined his prized Colston jersey you would be completely peed at him. So it's ok as long as it was an adult who was made fun at and had his expensive jersey ruined. What Coleman had done was wrong and his apology was lame since he put LOL at the end of it.
I think Colston would not like this one bit.
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