At Training Camp - Joke or Not Funny At All [THREAD CLOSED] (1 Viewer)

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It's funny if it didn't happen to you, but yeah that would kind suck. I don't need to spend 100+ bucks on a story to tell of some WR who no one has heard of and may never will.

To everyone saying grown men shouldn't wear jerseys or ask for autographs, can you please write down your hobbies so I can tell u how stupid they are thanks.

I think most of us who are saying that men shouldn't wear jerseys aren't saying it's stupid. I said I don't understand it & it's not for me but people who do so are not wrong for doing it. Others have said they 'don't understand it' either. Dre just said it's odd.

Additionally, the OP asked for opinions/perspective on if we thought it was a funny joke or not funny at all. So when we tell him why we think it was 'funny' or harmless and giving context to why we feel that way, we are answering the question the OP asked. Rather than just say "It was funny" with no explanation to why we think it was funny doesn't really help the OP reconcile his feelings and see it from another perspective.
I have a frame with three separate Saints pics on it from the Superbowl. Lance Moore's two point conversion, Tracy Porter's interception and the onside kick recovery. I got it all autographed. Lance signed his photo and Tracy his. Then you look at the onsides recovery. Chris Reis is there. Roman Harper is there. Anddddd... Garrett Hartley. They probably figured I wouldn't realize. I don't mind though. It's a conversation piece and it makes it easy to identify true Saints fans.
A lot of you "PC" people simply do not get it. You all seem so obsessed with being "the center of attention" (and what are "my rights"), that you miss on life's true gems. In fact, the joke is really on Colston for being so introvert - not on the fans. And think about it. Whom do you tease the most? Poeple you love and respect (otherwise you simply ignore them). So, take it as a complement as "being one of the guys in the Saints gang",and share this experience with a smile, rather than whinging like a 4 year old girl. Nobody got hurt nor killed. Get in the game and start acting like a man!

i'm with you on your overall point, but your PC-dar is WAY off
from what i can tell the "Coleman is a car vandalizing prick" crowd is much more the property rights/stand your ground crowd
which means not a lot of venn diagram overlap with the "PC" crowd (though maybe 2% of people actually know what PC is about)

i would also venture to guess that the "prick" crowd is also the ones who are most anti-player in the contract threads - that these athletic freaks should be happy to be paid millions to play a a kid's game and aren't regular hard-working folk like you and me
in essence, these athletes really need to learn their place and know that "there but for the grace of the fan, go they"
On the whole...... meh.

But I have to ask:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It was just a joke and I meant no harm
To the fans that got upset I&#39;m sorry lol</p>&mdash; Brandon Coleman (@B_Cole16) <a href="">August 11, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Is it a thing now to put "lol" after an apology? It just makes it seem like he's not really sincere about it.

Which he may very well not be. He probably just wants people to stop crying about it. But if you want people to get off your back, I don't know that putting "lol" at the end of your apology tweet really accomplishes that.
So wait, are we talking about people just wearing their jerseys everywhere or are people actually saying wearing jerseys to a game is uncool?

Because if it's the latter......whut? Are you serious? Welcome to the NFL this isn't a college game.
Jerseys are the same. Jerseys with names on them are a way of expressing individualism.
Wearing a jersey with someone else's name on it is a form of individualism? :covri: It's like saying "check out all of these cool things that other people created, but I use to show how original I am."

I don't really care about the jersey thing in earnest, but this argument is pretty thin.
So, one of my best friends lives 2 hrs away from the Greenbrier and takes a trip every year to see the team, get autographs, etc.. He takes his family up and they have a great time, meeting the team, taking pics, getting autographs. Last year, he got a number of autographs, including Brees.

He wanted to get Colston's autograpgh, but he's heard stories about how Colston is an introvert, timid, and rarely signs autographs. Colston, his favorite player behind Brees, he decided last year that he would buy 2 Colston Jerseys, one white and one black, to show him some love next training camp.

On Sunday, he said he was out there, saw Colston and waved the Jerseys. Hoping to get an autograph, he was excited to see him walk over, then grab a Sharpie and walk by the fans, helmet on with the face guard glass. Said he waited his turn and finally got up to give him his Jersey. Looked at him in his eyes and thought something aint right. Looked at his Jersey and saw it was Brandon Coleman's signature. Brandon Coleman was wearing a helmet with Colston's name on it, including the #12 jersey.

So, imitating someone else maybe a little funny, as once my buddy caught on to it, he said something and the other players started laughing. So, innocent joke as it is/was, now my buddy has a Brandon Coleman autograpgh on a Colston jersey. And, the team laughing made him feel bad, like the joke was on him. How would you feel if the team you've loved and supported, turns around and plays a joke on you? We're Who Dat for life, but that leaves a sour taste in your mouth.

What say you guys?

So ur friend is 12 right?
Pretty sure this is the first time I've ever been accused of being "politically correct" :spit: .

Same here. :spit: That just goes to show the dangers of trying to win arguments by labeling the entire other side.

To everyone saying grown men shouldn't wear jerseys or ask for autographs, can you please write down your hobbies so I can tell u how stupid they are thanks.

Bravo on that point.

Some people might actually laugh at it if it happened to them. There would be nothing wrong with that. Some people might be so invested in the idea of getting an autographed jersey of their favorite player that they would feel hurt and upset if it happened to them. That shouldn't be seen as a wrong response and be belittled either.

So Coleman is a prick and the people who aren't upset by this are sheep in denial?

Okay, shouldn't stop with Coleman then. If he had Colston's helmet (or name tape) and jersey, seems likely he was in on it, too. And by the description of what happened, other players as well. So Colston - by all accounts a stand-up, hardworking, productive, high character player - is a prick if he had involvement in the gag?

Like I said, I can understand if some of the fans who were involved felt disappointed but that's about as much of a reaction as I can muster. I think a lot of us agree it wasn't a good idea, but I don't feel like a sheep because I'm not sharpening my pitchfork and lighting my torch; I don't consider myself to be in blind denial because I don't think an ill-advised prank is cause enough to start criticizing Coleman's character.

I absolutely love Colston as a Saint but if he were in on it, then yes, that should be acknowledged. Having said that, I could understand if it didn't occur to him that Coleman might be signing a fan's Colston jersey in the process. This whole thing is not a huge deal when it comes to judging anyone's overall character. Coleman is young and will hopefully learn a little something from what happened. Things like this just blow up more on message boards when the regular NFL season is not underway and we don't have that to discuss.

i'm with you on your overall point, but your PC-dar is WAY off
from what i can tell the "Coleman is a car vandalizing prick" crowd is much more the property rights/stand your ground crowd
which means not a lot of venn diagram overlap with the "PC" crowd (though maybe 2% of people actually know what PC is about)

The car vandalizing comparison wasn't a very good one and I sort of acknowledged that last night. The point in it though was that I am sure that there would be situations in which Coleman would not laugh at if someone else ruined his property as "a joke." But do go ahead and stay latched onto the acknowledged extreme comparison instead of addressing the intended point.
I'll admit that I don't really get the appeal of having a players autograph on something, much less on something you wear. But that's a big thing in this country.

I think if it had happened to a kid, it's much more of dick move (even if it's a joke) on the part of the player.

If it happens to an adult (as in this case), the best response is to just roll with it. Yes, you got played, but it's also not the end of the world. Yes, most people will laugh, but just move on. If you feel so aggrieved, call the Saints and I'm sure they'll get you a jersey signed by Colston. No need to make a big deal of it and ***** on social media about it.
So wait, are we talking about people just wearing their jerseys everywhere or are people actually saying wearing jerseys to a game is uncool?

Because if it's the latter......whut? Are you serious? Welcome to the NFL this isn't a college game.

Agreed.......I don't wear jerseys either, simply because I choose not to spend my money on that. But I'm willing to bet if I listed every expense I had over the last year, plenty of people would rip some of them apart and question why I'd waste my money on such nonsense. The fact that people are trying to pretend it's strange that a guy would go to SAINTS TRAINING CAMP with a SAINTS JERSEY is pathetic.

I think most of us who are saying that men shouldn't wear jerseys aren't saying it's stupid. I said I don't understand it & it's not for me but people who do so are not wrong for doing it. Others have said they 'don't understand it' either. Dre just said it's odd.

Additionally, the OP asked for opinions/perspective on if we thought it was a funny joke or not funny at all. So when we tell him why we think it was 'funny' or harmless and giving context to why we feel that way, we are answering the question the OP asked. Rather than just say "It was funny" with no explanation to why we think it was funny doesn't really help the OP reconcile his feelings and see it from another perspective.

So it's ok for Coleman to disrespect the guy (and waste his time) by signing a jersey that clearly wasn't intended for him to sign, because, well, men shouldn't be wearing other men's jerseys anyway. Also, because you don't value the jersey to the extent that the owner of that jersey did, that makes the prank "harmless" or "funny".

I'm beginning to think several people in this thread are seriously unable to wrap their heads around the fact that this really isn't even really about the jersey....the jersey just happened to play a role in it. In their minds, Brandon Coleman did nothing disrespectful, and that guy got what he deserved for being an autograph-seeking jersey-wearing adult male. Therefore, he just needs to get over it, because he is "owed" nothing. Like I said previously........Brandon is just a kid, so I don't fault him for incorrectly thinking this was all one big funny joke..........but some of these mid 30-year olds on upward parroting the same thing is just pretty sad.
So it's ok for Coleman to disrespect the guy (and waste his time) by signing a jersey that clearly wasn't intended for him to sign, because, well, men shouldn't be wearing other men's jerseys anyway. Also, because you don't value the jersey to the extent that the owner of that jersey did, that makes the prank "harmless" or "funny".

I'm beginning to think several people in this thread are seriously unable to wrap their heads around the fact that this really isn't even really about the jersey....the jersey just happened to play a role in it. In their minds, Brandon Coleman did nothing disrespectful, and that guy got what he deserved for being an autograph-seeking jersey-wearing adult male. Therefore, he just needs to get over it, because he is "owed" nothing. Like I said previously........Brandon is just a kid, so I don't fault him for incorrectly thinking this was all one big funny joke..........but some of these mid 30-year olds on upward parroting the same thing is just pretty sad.

Yep, I think it's harmless. Because:

1. I don't get men buying other men's jerseys. And:
2. The INTENT behind the prank. Coleman was not saying to himself "hey self, let's go be a jerk to the fans today who spent X amount of money on a jersey." It was a prank and he apologized.
3.Some people place too much value on material things.
I think the coleman thing is being blown way out of proportion, it was a joke, sometimes people cross the line. He didn't mean anything bad by it.

But seriously......You don't understand NFL fans wearing NFL jerseys????
Yep, I think it's harmless. Because:

1. I don't get men buying other men's jerseys. And:
2. The INTENT behind the prank. Coleman was not saying to himself "hey self, let's go be a jerk to the fans today who spent X amount of money on a jersey." It was a prank and he apologized.
3.Some people place too much value on material things.

So reasons #1 and #3 are essentially saying the fan brought all of that on himself, and #2 is you reading Brandon Coleman's mind. Did you have a chat with him that day? Direct Message him on Twitter? Read deep meaning into his apoLOLgy?
I think the coleman thing is being blown way out of proportion, it was a joke, sometimes people cross the line. He didn't mean anything bad by it.

But seriously......You don't understand NFL fans wearing NFL jerseys????

I do understand NFL fans wearing jerseys. I understand that they feel like they want to support a certain player, show team spirit, etc. I don't understand why grown men feel the need to do that by wearing a jersey with another man's name on the back.
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