Big upset (1 Viewer)


Gold VIP Contributor
Mar 16, 2005
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Let's take care of our own business 1st but then let's all hope for an upset bigger than the Raiders from yesterday for next Sunday's NFL action.
the lions have the offense to do it. the falcon's secondary is not playing that great, and if the lions spread the field they could pull this one out. minimize turnovers and keep vick off the field with their offense is the key to victory.
The Lions have no shot. Esp. if Vick and the offense continue to roll. We need to figure out how to cover up Webster (weakest link) in our secondary, and then our defense will be fine.
I would love to see the Lions pull the upset and if any team is set up for an upset it is the Falcons but I really don't see it happening. This week it should be all about the run and the Falcons pounding out Dunn and Norwood. The Lions were very good against the run up until Shawn Rogers got sick with needle in butt syndrome. The lions gave up almost 200 yards rushing against the Jets. Their offense is pretty potent but their offensive line is shaky at best and Atlanta should be able to force their will on defense in key situations. I would feel much better about teams like the Bills, Cleveland, Oakland and the Titans pulling the upset since they can all at least pretend to stop the run.
The Lions have no shot. Esp. if Vick and the offense continue to roll. We need to figure out how to cover up Webster (weakest link) in our secondary, and then our defense will be fine.

We've said that before too. Don't get to confident. It'll bite you.
i'd rather them play oakland, they apparently have a defense, its just their offense loses it for them.
i would love the lions to beat the falclowns this weekend....

i would pay them if i had to.

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