Humor Bryce Young at rookie mini camp (2 Viewers)

There's small and then there's tiny. He's tiny. He's Doug Flutie level tiny. Kyler Murray is tiny too but he's a ball of muscle with next level athleticism. It will be interesting to see how well Bryce Young can hold up. And will he be able to see and throw over the LOS in the NFL? I've heard QBs taller than him talk about how that is one of the biggest adjustments when they got to the league.

I have nothing against Bryce Young. He seems like a good dude and he plays the game the right way. Having said that I hope he's the GOAT of draft busts. He has the tools to be a bust but he also has the tools to be a really good QB. It's a coin flip.
I liked Doug Flutie, he was fun. He was better than who was it, Johnson, in Buffalo and he was a bridge in SD. Good luck to Young the person but I hope You blow. šŸ˜
I liked Doug Flutie, he was fun. He was better than who was it, Johnson, in Buffalo and he was a bridge in SD. Good luck to Young the person but I hope You blow. šŸ˜
Were linemen as big when Flutie was playing? I don't remember that being the case then.
Were linemen as big when Flutie was playing? I don't remember that being the case then.
I remember hearing that the average for NFL O lineman is something like 6'5" and for D lineman it's like 6'3". I don't know what the averages were back in Flutie's day but it's safe to assume that the lineman were shorter. Especially interior lineman.

Who knows though. Bryce Young didn't seem to have trouble throwing over the LOS at bama against SEC competition so maybe he'll do fine. I just can't wrap my mind around a 5'10" dude standing behind a NFL wall of humanity and consistently scanning the field and making the right throw. Drew was a few inches taller and it took so much effort for him to see downfield. He had to basically get on his tippy toes and put his head straight up in the air to see. Makes all he accomplished even more impressive.
Sean Payton stood on a table and said ā€œStop drafting undersized players w/ early picksā€œ

I wish him the best but I think this comes back to haunt Carolina
There's small and then there's tiny. He's tiny. He's Doug Flutie level tiny. Kyler Murray is tiny too but he's a ball of muscle with next level athleticism. It will be interesting to see how well Bryce Young can hold up. And will he be able to see and throw over the LOS in the NFL? I've heard QBs taller than him talk about how that is one of the biggest adjustments when they got to the league.

I have nothing against Bryce Young. He seems like a good dude and he plays the game the right way. Having said that I hope he's the GOAT of draft busts. He has the tools to be a bust but he also has the tools to be a really good QB. It's a coin flip.
Your limited on what u can do at that height. Almost always operate out the Gun. No 3 step drop backs. Everything gonna be deeper drop backs for him to see. And your quick game is basically just quick boundary throws. When ur limited with some film. Ur deph drop onbur DBs is easier to gage.
I agree he looks tiny out there. Like a slimmer Kyler Murray. That said, as far as height goes, he was playing with and behind NFL sized offensive linemen while at Alabama. All the lineman he played with last year at Bama were between 6'3" and 6'5" which is about the range of the Panthers' O-line. So, it's nothing new there.
I was 5'10 when I started 9th grade' 6'4 when imI stqrted 10th.

I went from 5'10" to 6'2" in about the same period. Mine was between the end of 10th grade and beginning of 11th grade. Ended up being 6'5". I was short and fat In elementary and middle school and then shot up in high school. Good genes I guess. My sister and mom are both 5'10 and my dad is only about 6'1"

I believe to this day (9/7 will be 33 years ago) that growth spurt contributed to my injury as a junior in high school. My bones outgrow my muscles and my neck just wasn't strong enough whenever I've made a bad tackle.
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