Captain America (1 Viewer)

I'm glad that they included Arnim Zola in the cast of villians and I'm equally glad that they had him in human form instead of in one of his android bodies. I was wondering where Baron Zemo was and I was a bit shocked that they didn't include James Howlett among the soldiers of the 107th but I guess that they didn't want to go too far down the rabbit hole.

It seems as though they borrowed from several of the Marvel timelines. This was a bit different than what I collected when I was a kid. (I still have #100-3?? in a closet) This also seems to be a bit different than the "Ultimates" series which features Captain America as a bit of an arrogant jerk but the uniform and some of the story more closely resembles the Ultimates series than it does what I remember from my childhood.
I'm glad that they included Arnim Zola in the cast of villians and I'm equally glad that they had him in human form instead of in one of his android bodies. I was wondering where Baron Zemo was and I was a bit shocked that they didn't include James Howlett among the soldiers of the 107th but I guess that they didn't want to go too far down the rabbit hole.

It seems as though they borrowed from several of the Marvel timelines. This was a bit different than what I collected when I was a kid. (I still have #100-3?? in a closet) This also seems to be a bit different than the "Ultimates" series which features Captain America as a bit of an arrogant jerk but the uniform and some of the story more closely resembles the Ultimates series than it does what I remember from my childhood.

Yeah, it was kind of a fusion of both. In the end credits they credited both Joe Simon and Jack Kirby (created Cap) and Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch (created Ultimate Cap). Thankfully none of Ultimate Cap's personality was present. Not really a huge fan of that character.
i had no idea Hugo Weaving was in the movie.....dude is $$$$$ as a bad guy

Agent Smith ftw!!

That was my first statement when I found out he had landed the role. The guy is just money when it comes to be a bad guy. From Agent Smith to Megatron to Red Skull, Hugo just does it.

***Spoiler Alert***

I thought the ending was great also. My gf was completely shocked how they replicated the 40s to reduce the shock value.

The movie also left me wondering if they are going to follow the comic and bring Bucky back somehow, seeing that he eventually assumed the Cap role for a short period of time.

And seeing the Avengers trailer upfront was awesome. I'm stoked and counting down to May 2012.
Both the wife and I loved it. We can't wait to see The Avengers. Marvel is doing a great job with their movies lately.
Saw it opening night ( I just HAD to!). Very, very good; about what I expected. I enjoyed it immensely.

A few points (a few spoilers, beware):

-- At first I had serious misgivings about the ability of Chris Evans to be Captain America. I was thinking someone with more of a clear-cut "leader" aura about him, maybe even someone a bit older. I couldn't get his cocky, obnoxious turn as Johnny Storm/Human Torch out of my head. Since then, I saw him as Lucas Lee in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, which he did well, and I was hopeful. Let me tell you, he freakin' NAILED the role of Steve Rogers AND Captain America--all aspects. Through not only the digital magic, but via his acting, he perfectly matched Steve Rogers as a scrawny weak but strong willed little guy. He perfectly portrayed the early Cap as idealistic and driven. And by the end of the movie, he was clearly Captain America: the go-to guy, the leader. Not once did get an inkling of him as Johnny Storm-- the whole movie all I saw was Steve Rogers and Cap. Fantastic acting on his part.

-- Since it was released in drawings, then movie stills, then in trailers, I have NOT been a fan of the costume as depicted. After watching the movie, however, I don't feel as strongly. The segment of the movie when he wore what was essentially the same original Kirby/Marvel comic book costume (on stage with the USO) provided a great juxtaposition to the more "Ultimates" practical look he sports in the end. I still think, however, that they could have toned down the amount of "straps" and "accessories" and such on the final costume, making it look a little closer to the traditional Cap costume... for instance, they had the scene where Howard Stark described apparently the entire costume as being some sort of protective material, as opposed to the traditional Cap costume having a chain mail tunic underneath or incorporated in the costume (the reason for those "scales" often seen in the blue areas of the chest and shoulders).

-- I think they left out an important part of what makes Captain America, Captain America-- training. Of course, the super-soldier treatment brought him to the pinnacle of human physical perfection, and heightened his senses and reflexes, etc. and doubtless his intelligence. But did it teach him how to physically fight (man-to man combat), battle tactics, how to master all types of weaponry, etc.? My remembrance of Cap was that the serum helped make him a quick learner, but he still had to be trained. That was missing logically from the movie-- it seemed that he went directly from scrawny kid to physical perfection, then went from awkward bond-seller to polished showman, then somehow immediately became capable of being a one-man assault and rescue team for POWs and leading squadron missions.... somehow I think the 'boot camp" he went through was not sufficient training.

-- I'm old school so I'm not as sure with the "Ultimates" thing, but it was different seeing Bucky as being the older(?), "bigger" old friend of Steve Rogers from the neighborhood and not the "kid sidekick".

--Two great nods in the movie to the comics-- (1) At the World's Fair: a display for Dr. Phineas Horton's artificial man, in a glass enclosure wearing a red suit. This, of course, is the original android Human Torch, and Chris Evans played the Fantastic Four Human Torch in earlier movies. (2) When we first see Arnim Zola, we see only his face, which is distorted/rounded through a view piece, almost like we are seeing him as being broadcast through a camera. This is, of course, his visage is presented in the comics, where his face is located, via a screen, on the chest of his artificial body,

All in all, it WAS the big tent popcorn movie I was waiting for all summer.
-- I think they left out an important part of what makes Captain America, Captain America-- training. Of course, the super-soldier treatment brought him to the pinnacle of human physical perfection, and heightened his senses and reflexes, etc. and doubtless his intelligence. But did it teach him how to physically fight (man-to man combat), battle tactics, how to master all types of weaponry, etc.? My remembrance of Cap was that the serum helped make him a quick learner, but he still had to be trained. That was missing logically from the movie-- it seemed that he went directly from scrawny kid to physical perfection, then went from awkward bond-seller to polished showman, then somehow immediately became capable of being a one-man assault and rescue team for POWs and leading squadron missions.... somehow I think the 'boot camp" he went through was not sufficient training.

This was my one real gripe. There was a point in the comics where Cap had the super soldier serum removed and he was still able to be Captain America. Why? Training and dedication. That's what really makes him great and why he can go toe-to-toe with people a heck of a lot more powerful than him and put them on their backside. In the comics Cap is in a near perpetual state of trying to get better through practice. He's a perfectionist with the highest level of dedication. That is the one thing I felt was missing from the movie version of the character.
This was my one real gripe. There was a point in the comics where Cap had the super soldier serum removed and he was still able to be Captain America. Why? Training and dedication. That's what really makes him great and why he can go toe-to-toe with people a heck of a lot more powerful than him and put them on their backside. In the comics Cap is in a near perpetual state of trying to get better through practice. He's a perfectionist with the highest level of dedication. That is the one thing I felt was missing from the movie version of the character.

Right, however, they may be getting back to it seeing how he was handling the boxing bag in the Avengers trailer.
Both the wife and I loved it. We can't wait to see The Avengers. Marvel is doing a great job with their movies lately.

The only thing marvel should do different, is they should start shooting 2 or 3 movies back to back. that way they can have a staggered new release every 3 months. kinda like this...

Fall Iron Man Movie
Winter Thor Movie
Spring Cap or Hult Movie
Summer Avengers movie

release the movies on a more regular basis, similar to a actual comic book schedule, instead of ramping up new production every 2 years.
***Spoiler Alert***

I thought the ending was great also. My gf was completely shocked how they replicated the 40s to reduce the shock value.

The movie also left me wondering if they are going to follow the comic and bring Bucky back somehow, seeing that he eventually assumed the Cap role for a short period of time.

And seeing the Avengers trailer upfront was awesome. I'm stoked and counting down to May 2012.


I have no doubt that they're planning on bringing Bucky back. Not only was there no body shown (an old comic book/soap opera adage that is almost always true), but I thought that him picking up and using the shield on the train was a not-so-subtle nod to his stint as Steve Rodgers' replacement as Cap for a time. Add on to that reports that both Marvel and Joe Johnson loved Sebastian Stan, I think that one way or another, he'll be back.

I have no doubt that they're planning on bringing Bucky back. Not only was there no body shown (an old comic book/soap opera adage that is almost always true), but I thought that him picking up and using the shield on the train was a not-so-subtle nod to his stint as Steve Rodgers' replacement as Cap for a time. Add on to that reports that both Marvel and Joe Johnson loved Sebastian Stan, I think that one way or another, he'll be back.


Also remember that when Cap found him he was strapped to a table in a lab. They'd been doing...something to him.
I dug it. Thought they did a good job, particulary Chris Evans in the lead. Would have liked a little more at the end after he awoke, as the ending was a little abrupt with really no resolution of what happened in the past after he disappeared. But that also leaves a lot of room for both the Avengers and any other sequels they decide to do as far as where they want to take the story. It's really wide open.

Regarding sequels (not including The Avengers), while they can obviously stick in the present times going forward, I think they also left plenty of room to fit a story in regarding his campaign against Hydra, which was mostly told in montage style (this could be a way to give us more of the Howling Commandos and maybe fit in a story about Baron Zemo). They could even have a story line in the present that traces itself back to events during the War, using flash backs or flash forwards. I like the points posted previously about what they could do with Bucky, and to me it looked like the Red Skull got zapped by the cosmic cube to one of the nine realms, not killed, so he could definitely return.
a little off topic, but they had the Amazing Spider man trailer before the movie, and it was exactly what i feared it would be...another origin story. I'm sure its darker tone will make for good movie making, but i'm really NOT interested in a retelling of the orgin again. I can't wait for the Avengers, but i might actually pass on the Amazing Spiderman.

Also remember that when Cap found him he was strapped to a table in a lab. They'd been doing...something to him.

Maybe he comes back as the Winter soldier (I think that was the name in the comics)

Didn't Bucky "die" and come back as a villain?

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