Conduct Unbecoming (2 Viewers)

Brees, Manning, Rodgers easily. Super Bowl rings are a team accomplishment. It would be like giving Taysom Hill the credit for the Saints victory last night. Absurdly stupid. Gillikin's punting was crucial. The Saints defense was unstoppable. Maher came through with the three opportunities he had. All Taysom did was not poop in his hands and clap. Brady is a good QB, but the greatest of all time? I'll never be on that boat.
100% Correct... I have been beating this drum for 2 years now.... I can detail the answer but nobody pays attention... Rings... A weak and shallow response
100% Correct... I have been beating this drum for 2 years now.... I can detail the answer but nobody pays attention... Rings... A weak and shallow response

Man we can agree to disagree. When people talk about QB's and let's say the hall of fame they talk championships. How many qb's are in the HoF that don't have a championship, if there are any I would bet that number is small. Brady owns the majority of QB records what other measuring stick can there be?

We could also say situation dictates the success of a QB. How many were placed in bad systems?

What about different eras?

There are so many variables but the typical deciding factor is statistics and Brady has most of them.
People stay making excuses for his mediocre arse. Look how he performs without all his toys. Every single time.

If he's not surrounded by star players, he can't shine. He's been glowing in the light of THOSE AROUND HIM his entire career (receivers, tight ends, defenses, etc.,)

So people get confused and think he's the star. They can't tell where the light is coming from. He's an optical illusion.
Man we can agree to disagree. When people talk about QB's and let's say the hall of fame they talk championships. How many qb's are in the HoF that don't have a championship, if there are any I would bet that number is small. Brady owns the majority of QB records what other measuring stick can there be?

We could also say situation dictates the success of a QB. How many were placed in bad systems?

What about different eras?

There are so many variables but the typical deciding factor is statistics and Brady has most of them.
"When people talk about QB's and let's say the hall of fame they talk championships."

And that's the weakness of that argument. "People"... Are we talking the lazy talking heads? Is that who you rely upon for your opinion???

No arguing that Tommy is great... probably top 5.... But I can argue with conclusive facts I think, that Drew, and others, have been better QBs. So are we debating the most "accomplished QB of all time"? That's Tommy... The "Greatest".. In my opinion it is Drew Brees
I know the hate is strong within me, but still I feel it's a valid question: With brady's (lower case denotes my lack of respect) temper tantrums throughout the game last night, at what point does his lack of sportsmanship damage the shield?!

I know it'll never happen, but with this kind of attitude, anyone else would be fined or benched or both. Even if only for a handful of plays. That he's been touted for YEARS by the talking heads as one of the best ever, if not "the GOAT, then there's all the more reason to expect a higher standard of behavior. Not the tantrums of a petulant child.

I guess that's what you get when media and league officials cater to your every whim and grant flags upon your whining...

Just so sick of his tantrums.
When you have commentators, coaches, refs and the media fawning over you like you single-handedly won games, you tend to act that way. Notice how often he went to the refs after a bad play, like why didn't you bail me out like you always do?
Tom being a sore loser is, for me, what keeps him from being in the G.O.A.T. argument. Drew, Peyton, Elway, Montana are all better QBs. They never pouted, They stayed focused, They approached every snap the same until the game was over. All better leaders which make them the greatest. Tom is just a crybaby with talent.
Man we can agree to disagree. When people talk about QB's and let's say the hall of fame they talk championships. How many qb's are in the HoF that don't have a championship, if there are any I would bet that number is small. Brady owns the majority of QB records what other measuring stick can there be?

We could also say situation dictates the success of a QB. How many were placed in bad systems?

What about different eras?

There are so many variables but the typical deciding factor is statistics and Brady has most of them.
Semper, I agree wholeheartedly that eras MUST be taken into consideration. Sonny Jurgenson, Otto Graham, Terri Bradshaw, certainly Dan Marino, could ALL be in consideration for being better than tom.

Remember, the VAST majority of his career consisted of beating up a perennially weak AFC Least. All those passing yards? The patriots would be up by 2+ TDs, and old Tommy boy was still out there slinging it late into the fourth qtr. At the same time, the Saints (led by one of the greatest QBs of the modern era, Drew Brees, would be handing the ball off, killing the clock.

I don't recall Drew ever passing, just to pad his stats, which Tom clearly was doing.

Yes, tom's talented. Then why the need to cheat repeatedly over the course of his career. There's at least three scandals that come to mind that directly affected tom's performance. An inherently weak division, a guru for a coach, a roster that was annually studded with probowlers, and the scandals (who even knows what he WASN'T caught at?!) Heck with all that handed to him, if he was anything more than mediocre, he should have had another four SB appearances.

Rules have been changed to benefit Receivers and QBs. Can't hardly touch either anymore. Used to be 14 games in a season, now there's 17. The shape of the ball has been made more aerodynamic to augment the passing game, and college programs have adopted many of the schemes of the NFL, giving players an earlier start on the skill set they'll need at the next level.

In short, I'm not buying all the hype about his "greatness". He's almost as arrogant as Rodgers, and not nearly as talented as Brees. Factor in guys like Payton Manning, Russell Wilson, Brett Favre, and even a couple others, and that's just THIS era.

brady USED to be cool and calm under pressure. Not so anymore. Pressure is his weakness. I hope everyone else has taken notes and exposes him for the mediocre pile of dung that I believe him to be.

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