Scorpius the Allfather
Dream Theater fanatic/ghost
Ahh, let me explain how I use those. I meant it literally, as in I dislike that beer he posted. Sometimes yes, if something someone said was dumb I'll give a falcon. I also sometimes don't feel the need to say something when the emoji is saying it for me. If it's that big a deal to you then I'll no longer issue dead falcons in your thread as I wasn't intending for it to get this type of response, I thought the response would be "he doesn't like that beer". I also miss the clown emoji but I also think of that one as being worse than a dead falcon. I'd rather get a falcon over a clown. Having said all of that, Happy birthday to John Carpenter, he brought my first love to life in Christine!I didn’t know it was you. I’m just saying people don’t have to dead Falcon others for having different tastesyou could reply that dark beers don’t appeal to you or just not reply & make post with what beer you like to drink.
I feel like when you falcon someone it’s because they said something asinine not because they like to eat/drink different things than you but that’s just me.
If you got falconed or clowned in this thread, it was likely Buzd (You know he is an elitist) or your music posts.
I miss the Roger clown emoji.