Sun Wukong
Kicker's, Inc. Superfan
It appears that it is being left up to individual school districts or schools which is just not adequate. My daughter goes to a charter school in New Orleans so they had to make their own plan. My understanding is that the plan is if we are in Phase 3, it's on campus learning with only 4 classes per semester; if we are in Phase 2, it's a mixture of both; and if we are in Phase 1, it's distance learning. That all seems reasonable, but we haven't really been given any details about what the on campus learning would be like or what the remote learning would be like. And I don't blame the school admin or teachers since they are seemingly being given no guidance by the Orleans Parish School Board or the State Department of Education.
I've heard nothing of plans to test students. And that's not surprising either because there is no way a local charter school (or public school in general) has the budget to do testing. They can barely afford to do what they do now.
The LDOE guidelines basically amounted to "Here is what the CDC says. Figure it out on your own, districts." It's July 5th and I know for a fact that there are many districts out there without meaningful plans in place. They were waiting for meaningful LDOE guidance and what they got was "Yeah, y'all gotta figure it out. Here's the CDC stuff from a month ago." Many school districts have shockingly incompetent (or well intentioned but completely hamstrung) leadership even in the best of times. And they expect them to figure this out in a month? It's going to be brutal.