COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (3 Viewers)

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So Mardi Gras was a bad idea? Who'd a thunk that?

No way was Mardi Gras getting shut down in NOLA but it should have. Someone gets runover by a float and they overreact but the virus they just ignored.

I know that this is quickly going to become a big narrative - similar to You Shouldn't Live Below Sea Level! we all heard post-Katrina - but we had like 12 confirmed cases in the US on Mardi Gras day.
The infamous Biogen conference in Boston hadn't even started yet

The idea that Edwards and Cantrell should have proactively cancelled Mardi Gras 10 days earlier than that is pretty silly.
That's exactly what's going on. When health care workers complain about the lack of PPE, they're told "but that's the CDC guidelines - go see your patients."
Because I have someone in the know in California I will make this statement. They are using less effective gowns, home made masks stuff like this for cases where it is routine care here. They are saving the good stuff for dealing with actual coronavirus patients. They also have a process for those who come in to see who is just coming in for random things and who may potentially be an issue. If you come in with a broken arm, you’re not going to see the high level face masks and such being used.
The idea that Edwards and Cantrell should have proactively cancelled Mardi Gras 10 days earlier than that is pretty silly.

Based on what was happening globally? No it isn't. Pretending that we had no idea this thing was going to pop off here by late February is completely disingenuous and exactly why things are the way they are now.
Based on what was happening globally? No it isn't. Pretending that we had no idea this thing was going to pop off here by late February is completely disingenuous and exactly why things are the way they are now.

WIth perfect hindsight we would have issued every person on the globe their own personal isolation chamber with a 14 day supply of food. But we dont have perfect hindsight we are operating in real time.

If you look back at this thread (which has been way, way, way ahead of the curve in terms of raising the alarm) there was no discussion of canceling Mardi Gras in mid February. It was about China and Italy and some of the cruise ships. CDC was saying "keep an eye on it."

In retrospect I wish lots of things had been done differently but not canceling Mardi Gras was a perfectly reasonable decision at the time.
They've been reliable with posting news as it comes. I can't say I follow the feed religiously enough to know if it posts fake stuff or not, so I apologize if this isn't true info.

Sorry not trying to accuse of purposely spreading fake news. A lot of twitter posts were being taken down off of reddit of all places for this. It’s getting out of hand with the doom and gloom on there.
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I know that this is quickly going to become a big narrative - similar to You Shouldn't Live Below Sea Level! we all heard post-Katrina - but we had like 12 confirmed cases in the US on Mardi Gras day.
The infamous Biogen conference in Boston hadn't even started yet

The idea that Edwards and Cantrell should have proactively cancelled Mardi Gras 10 days earlier than that is pretty silly.
Yeah. Just a timing issue. In real time the threat wasn't "real" enough in everyone's mind and no way a shut down of Mardi Gras would happened.

I see a lot of talk about having antibodies/being immune once you've gotten the virus. Has this been definitively proven? Is there a chance of reinfection?

Thanks - sorry if I missed it.
Florida Update. They'll add new cases by 11am. Good to see the large number of negatives. Sadly, they probably have the Flu.


I see a lot of talk about having antibodies/being immune once you've gotten the virus. Has this been definitively proven? Is there a chance of reinfection?

Thanks - sorry if I missed it.

Yes, but how long is the question. Common cold immunity is 1-3 years. Polio is for life. SARS was like a decade.

The refinement may take as long as a week; both the process and the potency of the final antibodies can vary. Some people make powerful neutralizing antibodies to an infection, while others mount a milder response.

The antibodies generated in response to infection with some viruses — polio or measles, for example — bestow a lifetime of immunity. But antibodies to the coronaviruses that cause the common cold persist for just one to three years — and that may be true of their new cousin as well.

A study in macaques infected with the new coronavirus suggested that once infected, the monkeys produce neutralizing antibodies and resist further infection. But it is unclear how long the monkeys, or people infected with the virus, will remain immune.

Most people who became infected during the SARS epidemic — that virus is a close cousin of the new coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2 — had long-term immunity lasting eight to 10 years, said Vineet D. Menachery, a virologist at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.

Those who recovered from MERS, another coronavirus, saw much shorter-term protection, Dr. Menachery said. People who have been infected with the new coronavirus may have immunity lasting at least one to two years, he added: “Beyond that, we can’t predict.”
BTW, for people who think they may have had it a couple months ago... There is no current antibody test in the US, but they're working on it. Because everything needs Gov't approval.

The quickest way to assess immunity is a blood test that looks for protective antibodies in the blood of people who have recovered. But first you have to have the test.

Antibody tests are used in Singapore, China and a handful of other countries. But they are just coming to market in much of the West.
Last week, Dr. Krammer and his colleagues developed one such antibody test that could be scaled up in “days to weeks,” he said.
The team validated the test in blood plasma taken from three patients with Covid-19. The researchers are seeking speedy approval from the F.D.A.

Hopefully we can get people tested, and have a supply to help fight the worst cases.
Sorry not trying to accuse of purposely spreading fake news. A lot of twitter posts were being taken down off of reddit of all places for this. It’s getting out of hand with the doom and gloom on there with people trying to act like the mainstream media is hiding things from us.
The mainstream media gets it from both directions. They're either promoting panic and can't be trusted or they're hiding info from us to
I just got this from a guy I know. Can anybody validate or disprove?


Okay, I don't know what to believe. Not doing adequate testing is one thing, but why would the hospitals and the state possibly fudging the numbers? Or am I misreading this?
How long does the virus last in a dead body?
The mainstream media gets it from both directions. They're either promoting panic and can't be trusted or they're hiding info from us to

Okay, I don't know what to believe. Not doing adequate testing is one thing, but why would the hospitals and the state possibly fudging the numbers? Or am I misreading this?

They might downplay things for a few reasons.

A: Can't test, even though they'd like to.
B: Don't want to start a panic or a 'run' on the hospital. If everyone floods the ER, they're hosed.
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