COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (3 Viewers)

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Is anyone getting takeout from restaurants/fast food?

I've been to the grocery store multiple times and have plenty of food but I was just wanting something different but I feel a little nervous about takeout

Should I be?

I've done a few times here. No issues. Don't think you need to be any more worried than normal from a food standpoint. If anything, probably safer because they're having to sanitize during food prep more often.

FWIW, two of my kids are still working at restaurants.
There is an article on serious eats about that that was linked earlier here and should put your mind at ease. Essentially, the virus is respiratory, so you can’t eat it and get infected. Similarly, it’s not going to last long on food with even the most basic precautions. So your biggest threat is the same with any interaction - touching surfaces and then your face, etc. If you keep washing and sanitizing, you should be fine.

With that all said - I’ve had a lot of extra time to spend in the kitchen lately which I am really enjoying, so we haven’t eaten out much - by choice though, not by fear.

Because this thread moves to fast to keep pertinent info in a concise place...

I would like to ask moderators if maybe we could have a thread to post news articles, tweets, and other useful links only with no commenting...Users could copy link from the interwebs and come back here to comment...But personally think it would be nice to have an uncluttered thread with just info..

Back to the topic, I'm still sticking with my predicted theory that we won't see a slow down in cases until either this weekend, or next Monday the 30th. At the best. That damage was already done.
I’m saying April first week for California. Other states to follow in orders of shelter in place
Because this thread moves to fast to keep pertinent info in a concise place...

I would like to ask moderators if maybe we could have a thread to post news articles, tweets, and other useful links only with no commenting...Users could copy link from the interwebs and come back here to comment...But personally think it would be nice to have an uncluttered thread with just info..

Well, there are primary news sources for that info. But compiling just articles in a thread is an interesting idea. I'll see if I can start one up.
If they're even a little sick they get sent home, much less get near the food.
Because they are operating on reduced staff, I’d say that there is less fear of food contamination now than any other time. Our local ones are on frigging point right now
Is she elected and paid to lead or follow? Ultimately who is responsible for the citizens she was elected to serve? I get it....people want to blame the feds but there's enough responsibility and blame to go around. I'm never a fan of someone not taking self responsibility.

All elected officials are paid and elected to do both lead and follow. If nothing else, they should be following the U.S. Constitution, state constitution, local city charter, and yes, the advice of medical experts on issues like this.
All elected officials are paid and elected to do both lead and follow. If nothing else, they should be following the U.S. Constitution, state constitution, local city charter, and yes, the advice of medical experts on issues like this.
I am with You but I laugh when I hear politicians and follow the constitution in the same sentence. Perhaps if we had term limits.
I don't think anyone is to blame for it. The fact is that there was not a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States until Mardi Gras Day.

That’s not accurate. There were 53 confirmed cases on Mardi Gras day. The first case was on or about January 21.

And we know from local data and genome study in some localities that there were significantly more cases that had been confirmed by testing (Washington state mainly).

The charts here give you totals for each day.

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