Dietrich has passed away (1 Viewer)

Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Great show, excellent actor


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Awww man. I liked him as an actor. It is amazing that 65 seems so young to me now....

bom bom bom

bom bom bom bom bom bom bu bu bu bom

(tiss du dum cack du dum cack)

dewrn dewrn dewrn de de dum

dit dit duum

dewrn dewrn dud duuummmm

I used to love that show. Fish, Wojo, all the boys. I wonder if Ron Glass is still pimping.

bom bom bom

bom bom bom bom bom bom bu bu bu bom

(tiss du dum cack du dum cack)

dewrn dewrn dewrn de de dum

dit dit duum

dewrn dewrn dud duuummmm

I used to love that show. Fish, Wojo, all the boys. I wonder if Ron Glass is still pimping.

my aunt is friends with Ron Glass and had him over for Thanksgiving.. FWIW, he is gay.
my aunt is friends with Ron Glass and had him over for Thanksgiving.. FWIW, he is gay.

That's pretty random, yet awesome.

After some research inspired by whodatqueefer, it appears I mixed up the theme song for Barney Miller with the old Bob Newhart show. I got them about half and half.

So if my mumblings above didn't make any sense, it's not just normal mongoosian craziness; it was also an unfortunate error caused by time.

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