Don't wear a Puerto Rican shirt in "America" (1 Viewer)


Don't be a Jerk.
Staff member
Gold VIP Contributor
Mar 1, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
Any of you catch this viral video going around lately?

Video Of Man Harassing Woman Over Puerto Rican Flag Shirt Prompts Investigation

This has the video.. some language. "You're not gonna change us. Are you an American Citizen? You should not be wearing that in the United States of America"

Video Of Man Harassing Woman Over Puerto Rican Flag Shirt Prompts Investigation

The cop who was just watching for a while is getting investigated.

Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory and Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens, but they can't vote in presidential elections and have no voting representation in Congress.

A poll last year by Morning Consult found that almost half of Americans don't know that people born in Puerto Rico are U.S. citizens.

I mean.. this is a thing? This is the kind of random harassment people get? Would he have been yelling at her for wearing an Illinois t-shirt?

I hope this is just a random stupid event and not the new norm of treating everyone brown like an illegal or "unAmerican".
I think it is a thing now. Remember the attorney in NYC who cursed at two ladies for speaking Spanish and asked them if they were citizens? (they were). I think at least one of them was Puerto Rican. And the old lady cursing out the man who was working on her neighbor’s yard? People are being buttholes.
You want to really piss off this guy, tell him Puerto Rico is part of the U.S. A whole state full of brown people! His head would explode

They did. Of course, they called it a state.. which isn't right. But the brother was just upset.
what bothers me even more is the original officers lack of assistance. she repeatedly asked for his assistance, only for him to look the other way. THEN when the brother gets in the guys face, all of a sudden he decides to get between them.
How many times did that guy get up from that table after being told to sit down, and still get in the officers face? that whole situation is a gleaming example of white privilege.

I see the first officer resigned. of course, I'm sure it was a "you should quit so we don't have to fire you" situation.
Officer seen standing by while woman harassed resigns
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If someone starts riding me for wearing my Cuban shirt they better get ready to find out that these fists are rated E for ere’body.

I have a feeling you're too old to use the word "ere’body."
what bothers me even more is the original officers lack of assistance. she repeatedly asked for his assistance, only for him to look the other way. THEN when the brother gets in the guys face, all of a sudden he decides to get between them.
How many times did that guy get up from that table after being told to sit down, and still get in the officers face? that whole situation is a gleaming example of white privilege.

I see the first officer resigned. of course, I'm sure it was a "you should quit so we don't have to fire you" situation.
Officer seen standing by while woman harassed resigns

Totally. It makes no sense.

Sir, leave. Leave, NOW!

As a ‘whitey’ I was just about to bring this up.
It is all sad. Media loves to stir the pot, president is a hatemonger in my opinion....all agendas are divisive in nature it seems nowadays. Instead of tolerance and love for one another we seem to be more inclined to hate anything different than us or anything we don’t understand. All very sad. Seems to be getting worse but maybe that’s just 24/7 media now and social media.

I grew up in an all black church. My best friend growing up was/is black. Many of my closest friends now are black or Mexican. Can honestly say I’m not racist. Color or ethnicity doesn’t make someone a good or bad person. Character does. I’ve seen good and bad of all creeds and colors. It’s all stupid and sadly will never change. Until we teach our children differently over several generations, which I just don’t see happening.
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