Draft talk (1 Viewer)


Veteran Starter
Nov 7, 2006
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I know we got a huge game this Monday but draft talk is always interesting even when premature. What do you guys think we concentrate on this year? We don't really have any gaping holes this year it doesn't seem like. I'd love to see us get a guy like Nick Fairley or a nice OLB those are two main positions I can see us with some significant room for improvement.
Personally, i think it would be best to reserve these threads until after the season, considering the importance of the game this week. Just my two cents
It's waaaaaay too soon for this discussion. We've got no idea where we'll be drafting, so even if it appears that there's viable prospects across the board, it's an exercise in futility. Right after the playoffs, I can assure you: The draft threads will be out in force. Why? 'Cause it's about the only thing to talk about then. Let's leave something for the slow time, shall we? Thanks everso.
If he wants to have draft talk, then let him and who ever else wants to join in with him do it. Its an open message board. I think it would be a welcome break from pooh stained pants, roddy white, and falcons message boards. Just saying that I don't see why so many people come in to threads and state how they don't want to read it. Seems like it would be easier for them to just not read it. JUST IMHO.
agree w/ nicks, you don't gotta reply if you don't wanna. Im just huge college football fan too and all that's being talked about is the failcons, I'm as ready as anyone for that game, i assure outcome will be the same win or lose even if we have a draft thread on saintsreport
If he wants to have draft talk, then let him and who ever else wants to join in with him do it. Its an open message board. I think it would be a welcome break from pooh stained pants, roddy white, and falcons message boards. Just saying that I don't see why so many people come in to threads about and state how they don't want to read it. Seems like it would be easier for them to just not read it. JUST IMHO.
That makes sense, except for the fact that when this discussion is brought up when it should be brought up, somebody'll pose a question or make a point, and some anally retentive "person" will comment to the effect of "This has already been discussed! Do a search!" I can ignore with the best of 'em, but there are those who want it both ways.
I know we got a huge game this Monday but draft talk is always interesting even when premature. What do you guys think we concentrate on this year? We don't really have any gaping holes this year it doesn't seem like. I'd love to see us get a guy like Nick Fairley or a nice OLB those are two main positions I can see us with some significant room for improvement.

You can't be serious. Have you seen our OLB's lately? We could also use another DE.
You can't be serious. Have you seen our OLB's lately? We could also use another DE.

I said we could use some OLB's, I wouldn't call it gaping though. Our defense has been the best its been in years, we could definitely improve at that spot along with a penetrating DT like Fairley, not sure where he'll be projected but I love his skill set and swagger. He's a gamechanger, I think we can improve over Remi, big Sed and Nick in the middle of our line would be amazing
That makes sense, except for the fact that when this discussion is brought up when it should be brought up, somebody'll pose a question or make a point, and some anally retentive "person" will comment to the effect of "This has already been discussed! Do a search!" I can ignore with the best of 'em, but there are those who want it both ways.

who cares?:idunno:
That makes sense, except for the fact that when this discussion is brought up when it should be brought up, somebody'll pose a question or make a point, and some anally retentive "person" will comment to the effect of "This has already been discussed! Do a search!" I can ignore with the best of 'em, but there are those who want it both ways.

I see your point and agree that is frustrating, but when that happens I think it is probably best to again employ the ignoring strategy.

I almost went on, but I believe we have thread jacked enough for now. Lets agree to disagree and thank God we are both saints fans.
I said we could use some OLB's, I wouldn't call it gaping though. Our defense has been the best its been in years, we could definitely improve at that spot along with a penetrating DT like Fairley, not sure where he'll be projected but I love his skill set and swagger. He's a gamechanger, I think we can improve over Remi, big Sed and Nick in the middle of our line would be amazing

Im sure Fairley will be a top 10 pick. We could only hope for Drake Nevis if you really want another DT. But I still want a top flight OLB who can actually cover TE's and rush the QB.
I know ill be in minority on this board but I'd really rather not have Nevis, LSU seems to be the equivalent of UF's reputation of putting qbs in the NFL, good college players, not that great of NFL players. Decent, but I'd rather not burn a first round pick on one
Im sure Fairley will be a top 10 pick. We could only hope for Drake Nevis if you really want another DT. But I still want a top flight OLB who can actually cover TE's and rush the QB.

With all honesty the TE's that come in and kill us are pretty much pro bowl caliber and sometimes HOF tight ends drafting a ROOKIE linebacker won't really do much since it is his first year and is still learning the game and what not. Later on when he develops yeah sure, but not in the immediate future. IMHO
Our current group of DBs are good, if Robinson will step it up.

We should be set, more or less, on the Offensive side of the ball.

So that leaves DL and LBs.

There is no telling how good Sed Ellis could be with some more dominant DL help. Will Smith should be good for next year, but that still leaves two spots on the DL that could be upgraded.

The LB corps is in much worse shape than the coaches acknowledge, publicly. We claimed one of our starters off waivers...come on...I don't care how much potential some of our young LBs have, they're hurt and we need some big time help back there.

Consequently, I think this may be one of those years where we see them load up for a big trade up into the top 15, or so.

We are missing "star quality" in the LB and DL corps.

We have star quality on the Offensive side, we have it in the DBs. We need to fill out the rest.

DL/LB -- let's hope for some big time moves.

Oh, and hopefully they will draft a new Special Teams coach in the second or third round :)

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