Ernie (Big Cat) Ladd

>>Those were the days
>>Duggan, Dr. Death, Terry Taylor, Dirty White Boys, Rock n Roll Express, Midnight Express, Guerreros, "Big Cat"

I'm thinking more along the lines of Killer Karl Kox, The Spoiler, Billy Robinson, The General Skandar Akbar, etc.

But the Midnight Express did rule.


Man, don't forget Bruiser Bob Sweetan and Doctor X.
Magnum TA,Micheal PS Hayes,Hacksaw Duggan and Reed,Rock n Roll and Midnight Express,Dr. Death,Jake the Snake,Terry Taylor,JYD,Ted Dibiase,Dusty Roades.

Those were the good ole days!!!
we'll miss the Big Cat.....if only mid south were running today...let's not forget col. buck robely, dick murdoch and a very young marty lunde who paid his dues and became arn anderson, who i think ranks up there with the best of them. he could wrestle but his interviews were always solid and to the point....
"I'm telling your right now Boyd Pierce if that dirty dog Skandar Akbar shows his face I'll beat him like a rented mule."

"Well, Ernie we've got some good news for wrestling fans out there, your matchmaker, Grizzly Smith, has booked a no-holds-bar single elimination match between the Big Cat and Skandar Akbar next Friday night at the Baton Rouge Civic Arena, and the loser has to leave town. That's right folks, the loser leaves town. Friday will also mark the return to Mid-South of the high-flying Johnny Eagles who will battle Cowboy Bill Watts in a Texas rattle snake match. And in the main event the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes will take on the Iron Shiek for the Mid-American heavyweight belt...."
Man this brings back alot of memories!

Here some more that I don't believe were named already:
Bob Armstrong
Brad Armstrong
The Road Warriors (when they were awesome)
Iron Mike Sharp
Tony Atlas
Pistol Pez Whatley
The Assassins
Bob Roop
Rick Steiner
Kerry Von Erich
The Fantastics (Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rodgers)
Paul Orndorff
Buzz Sawyer
Dick Slater
Missy Hyatt (One of the first woman managers)
What about when JYD wore a mask and went by "Stagger Lee."

Also Mid-South Wrestling is where Jim Ross became a famous announcer.

Lord there's so many more that slip my mind.
Anyone rember Steven Little Bear and Ray Candy?I was a little kid when they were out but they were my fav.Ray and Ernie were enemies.I remeber a chick named star i think she was with JYD but could never find any info on her.

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