Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words (3 Viewers)


Dreaming of a SAINTS Super Bowl!
Jul 9, 2001
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Hancock County
Yes, in your own words. No links. No copy and paste jobs. Explain why you don't like George W. Bush.

Those of you who like George W. Bush, please do the same. Why do you like George W. Bush?
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I believe the TOS says we're not supposed to say a player or a coach "sucks." Not sure if it applies to George though. Can I get a ruling on that?
because he puts his pants on two legs at a time
I don't like him because I believe there was a chance to reform the tax code and switch our system sales tax rather than income tax. He did nothing to push this forward at all. Plus, he spends like a drunken sailor. He isn't a fiscal conservative.

I like the fact that he is not swayed by opinion polls. While he may be dead wrong, he undoubtedly has more information than any of us could possibly possess. The down side to this is that he has trouble recognizing when his ideas don't work and doesn't change when it is required.

Overall, I view his presidency as a negative, but not as much as some on this board.
Seriously, I dislike GWB because he ran under the principles of smaller government, conservatism, but have governed like a drunked spend happy liberal. He does not have the backbone to stand up to the Dems properly. He may be the "Decider" but he backed off of SS reform, a VERY GOOD reform plan I might add, because the Dems demonized him over it. The Medicade bill was expensive... I hate his insistance on keeping the boarder open, his stance on NAFTA (and free trade in General) and desire for his amnesty plan, escuse me, I mean his guest worker program. I support the war in Iraq, but I think he listened to the wrong generals early on, and was scared to be politically unpopular by sending too many troops too fast, that has back fired on him. I also dont like the way he sat there and let Mexico's president talk down to him... Grow some balls GWB...
I like President Bush because he fought for those of us on the Gulf Coast hurting from the 2005 Hurricanes. He showed some backbone when obnoxious members of the GOP in Congress tried to fight him. He won.

I dislike his Administration because it is comprised of a ridiculous amount of industry insiders who put their causes ahead of the country. Seriously.

Yes, in your own words. No links. No copy and paste jobs. Explain why you don't like George W. Bush.

Those of you who like George W. Bush, please do the same. Why do you like George W. Bush?

Because he clearly lacks the experience and judgement necessary to do an effective job. After the inital response to 9-11 in Afghanistan, he got everything exactly wrong, and spectacularly so.

He was an empty vessel that was filled by the neoconservatives around him. And he was filled with lame brained theories, schemes and agendas that he had no ability to critically evaluate.

He was handed books to read that supported whatever was being sold at the time by his creative destructionist advisors, but apparently never asked to hear the dissenting view.

What's more, those who offered the dissenting view (Powell and Shinseki), and were ultimately proved correct, were run out of his administration.

And he has a sort of empty-headed confident bravado that probably comes from being a child of priviledge in Texas. This can be spun into "decisiveness " and "standing on principle" but appears to me to be just an ignorant and stubborn arrogance.

See his relationship to the Iraq Study Group, for example.

That's my opinion.
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I'm not sure whether I would like or dislike the man. I'm sure he's an affable enough fellow in personal conversation.

However, I dislike many of his policies (both in action and inaction).

I dislike the way he ran his first and second campaigns, allowing his people to slander fellow Republican John McCain.

I dislike his pandering to the religious right, but then I have always disliked that Republican tactic.

I dislike the closed, distrustful atmosphere his administration has demonstrated. His "insiders/yes-men-only" administration (see Mike Brown, Michael Chertoff, Harriet Miers) is profoundly distasteful to me. His administration has cultivated an "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality, which in my estimation undermines the long-standing principle of democratic debate within the U.S.

His resolve comes off to me as stubbornness in the face of criticism (and facts).

Bush and his people (along with their local and state colleagues) failed the Gulf Coast in the first days of Katrina. Why does Michael Chertoff still have a job?

On the other hand, like most politicians, he's probably a swell guy to have a (non-alcoholic) brew with. Doesn't mean I like him running our country.

Alright, I'm ready for what's coming...
I find him too socially conservative, fiscally irresponsible, and intellectually incurious.

A few of the many reasons are his incompetent appointments, a general disregard for science/technology and the environment, intertwining government and religious organizations, and willfully restricting individual liberties. I disagree with his health care policy, drug policy, and Iraq goes without saying.

I generally dislike the people he chooses to surround himself with as well.
Why does Michael Chertoff still have a job?

Because in this administration "Homeland" or "National security" does not have a definition that properly encompasses natural disasters.

It only clearly registers if it is a dark swarthy foreigner that is the threat, which is why FEMA should probably not have been folded in under Chertoff, whose clear priority is Arab or muslim terrorists.

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