Extra protection for Brees?? (1 Viewer)


Super Forum Fanatic
VIP Contributor
Nov 16, 2000
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Kane Pa.
Did Drew have extra flack equipment on under the jersey last night, he looked like a tank
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shouldn't you be organizing your paper clips or something?.You could be more constructive than worrying about a couple of misspelled words
shouldn't you be organizing your paper clips or something?.You could be more constructive than worrying about a couple of misspelled words

The dude has been playing for us for five years, has been to the Pro Bowl each season, and has been the Super Bowl MVP. You see his jersey every game, and you still don't know how to spell his name? #epicfail.

What makes it even better is that you whine that I'm correcting your spelling but proceed to correct it in the thread title. So does spelling matter, or not? Funny that you'll be embarrassed enough about your mistake to correct it, yet still whine that someone called you out on what is the worst misspelling I've ever seen in a post not authored by David Robbins and not about Robert Meachem.
Bud Light presents….Real men of genius…

We solute you Mr. Message Board Spell Check Moderator. In an age where correctly spelled words have become a thing of the past, you strive to uphold the fundamentals of grammar. (singer guy in the background: You left off an apostrophe!) Be it the EE board or the SuperForum, we can depend on you to scour the boards for numbskulls whose spelling skills rival that of a drunken 3rd grader ( group of singer chicks: Can anyone spell Meachem?!). So crack open an ice cold Bud Light and slap on those prescription reading glasses Mister, because we depend on you to keep our message board conversations grammatically correct. (singer guy again: Mr. Message Board Spell Check Moderator!)
Bud Light presents….Real men of genius…

We solute you Mr. Message Board Spell Check Moderator. In an age where correctly spelled words have become a thing of the past, you strive to uphold the fundamentals of grammar. (singer guy in the background: You left off an apostrophe!) Be it the EE board or the SuperForum, we can depend on you to scour the boards for numbskulls whose spelling skills rival that of a drunken 3rd grader ( group of singer chicks: Can anyone spell Meachem?!). So crack open an ice cold Bud Light and slap on those prescription reading glasses Mister, because we depend on you to keep our message board conversations grammatically correct. (singer guy again: Mr. Message Board Spell Check Moderator!)

This message was not directed towards anyone specifically and is only intended to poke fun at those who are as annoyed as I am by the frequent misspellings on the board

That about sums up this thread.
So I guess no one noticed that" BREES" looked like he had extra protection on the rib cage area last night?
The dude has been playing for us for five years, has been to the Pro Bowl each season, and has been the Super Bowl MVP. You see his jersey every game, and you still don't know how to spell his name? #epicfail.

What makes it even better is that you whine that I'm correcting your spelling but proceed to correct it in the thread title. So does spelling matter, or not? Funny that you'll be embarrassed enough about your mistake to correct it, yet still whine that someone called you out on what is the worst misspelling I've ever seen in a post not authored by David Robbins and not about Robert Meachem.

I was not the least bit embarrased" Mr. Paper Clip". I corrected it and thats that. Now go and organize your paper clips
Cool, I will go back to writing my doctoral dissertation at a top 10 university, and you can go back to first grade.

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