Extra protection for Brees?? (1 Viewer)

Chase Daniels and Robert Meechum agree with all of you.

BTW, the loss of David Thomas can't be underestimated. He not only plays H-Back and TE, but often stays in on pass blocking to help out. Stats don't show it, but Mr. Wendy's is a very valuable player to this offense.
Bud Light presents….Real men of genius…

We solute you Mr. Message Board Spell Check Moderator. In an age where correctly spelled words have become a thing of the past, you strive to uphold the fundamentals of grammar. (singer guy in the background: You left off an apostrophe!) Be it the EE board or the SuperForum, we can depend on you to scour the boards for numbskulls whose spelling skills rival that of a drunken 3rd grader ( group of singer chicks: Can anyone spell Meachem?!). So crack open an ice cold Bud Light and slap on those prescription reading glasses Mister, because we depend on you to keep our message board conversations grammatically correct. (singer guy again: Mr. Message Board Spell Check Moderator!)

HHAHAHAAHA!!! We need to record this song!! Great job BoroSaint!!!
So I guess no one noticed that" BREES" looked like he had extra protection on the rib cage area last night?

I noticed it...at the time I thought maybe he always wore it and I just never noticed before...but maybe not.

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Ive noticed it all year, like he has Optimus armor under the jersey. I can't remember if he looked that "boxy" last year. I guess I need to dig out my DVDs to check.
No, you know how to call out pointless things on a message board. We're here talking about the saints, not writing a research paper. You might as well stop while you're behind because you're making yourself look ridiculous.

The fact of the matter is it's just pretty sad to misspell the name of your team's Super Bowl MVP QB. Seriously, in five years, to not figure out that it's Brees and not Breese?

Then it's even sadder to throw a temper tantrum when somebody calls you out on it but proceed to correct your error anyway.
Typos happen. I've worn the text from my backspace key because of them, yet a few still get through sometimes. The occasional random "e" appended to a word or name doesn't really bother me unless someone refuses to correct it or insists that a wrong spelling is right. (I got into a brutal fight with someone who swore that "mischievous" was spelled "mischievious"; we still don't speak and she's still wrong. Grrr!)

ANYway. . . I hadn't noticed that Brees looked boxy. Rather, he'd always looked a bit boxy in his flak jacket, so I hadn't noticed any extra boxiness lately. I'll have to look for that on Sunday.
Typos happen. I've worn the text from my backspace key because of them, yet a few still get through sometimes. The occasional random "e" appended to a word or name doesn't really bother me unless someone refuses to correct it or insists that a wrong spelling is right. (I got into a brutal fight with someone who swore that "mischievous" was spelled "mischievious"; we still don't speak and she's still wrong. Grrr!)

ANYway. . . I hadn't noticed that Brees looked boxy. Rather, he'd always looked a bit boxy in his flak jacket, so I hadn't noticed any extra boxiness lately. I'll have to look for that on Sunday.
That's funny. There is such a thing called "Spell Check", ya know? I use Firefox. If I misspell a word it gets underlined in red. It helps. Some people care more than others about their grammar. It doesn't bother me either way. To each their own, I guess.

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