Favorite Fruit (1 Viewer)

Favorite Fruit

  • Apples

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • Oranges

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Peaches

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • Pears

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Grapes

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Strawberries

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Bananas

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 23 50.0%

  • Total voters
Nothing beats a good ripe mango, you can even eat them when they’re green. You can peel them cut them up into chunks and sprinkle salt and hot sauce on them. I found the Filipino variety or some of the best out there and look up the recipe for mango lassi which is a Indian yogurt and mango Drink sort of like a milkshake.
Nothing beats a good ripe mango, you can even eat them when they’re green. You can peel them cut them up into chunks and sprinkle salt and hot sauce on them. I found the Filipino variety or some of the best out there and look up the recipe for mango lassi which is a Indian yogurt and mango Drink sort of like a milkshake.

Most fruit is good with hot sauce (and also MSG) on them. Particularly pineapple, peaches and melons.
You're overcomplicating this. What is your favorite fruit? There's a fruit bowl in front of you with the fruits listed in the poll, and you're allowed to only take 1. You are instructed to consume that fruit, by itself with nothing on it, or saving it for later after a meal, or after performing a contemporary dance routine. It's simple.
Obviously all of that is the context I was seeking
Just a few more points of clarification-
Is this late morning and I still have the taste of coffee in my mouth
Or is it between lunch and dinner and the fruit will tide me over (or do I just want the taste?
In such a case my answers would be
Obviously all of that is the context I was seeking
Just a few more points of clarification-
Is this late morning and I still have the taste of coffee in my mouth
Or is it between lunch and dinner and the fruit will tide me over (or do I just want the taste?
In such a case my answers would be
So does this mean no fruit after your compensatory dance routine?
What? No love for God's greatest fruit? :covri:

Obviously the context of where/when is important enough to seek clarification
Favorite fruit to put peanut butter on? Banana
Favorite fruit at the end of a meal if I’m trying to avoid sweets? Oranges
You are just a trouble maker.

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