Final injury report 11/24 {MERGED} (1 Viewer)


Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
#Saints INJ report: OUT: P Thomas, L Betts

#Saints INJ report: Probable - Robinson, Bushrod, Galette, Ivory, Ellis, Goodwin, Hargrove, Young

#Saints INJ report: Questionable - Bush, Shockey, Jenkins, Sharper.
I think if Betts is truly out then I think you can conclude that Bush will play.

If Betts is out and Bush doesn't play we only have 2 RBs.
I would have thought Bush would have at least been on the "probable" list. Get healthy boyz, I wanna see our best team out there on the field tomorrow night.
The fact that we'd only have 2 RB's with Betts being out leads me to believe that Bush will play. The Sharper/Jenkins situation has me a little antsy.
Saints Injury Report/Game Status 11/24

Saints Inj report: Probable - Robinson, Bushrod, Galette, Ivory, Ellis, Goodwin, Hargrove, Young
Questionable - Bush, Shockey, Jenkins, Sharper
OUT: P Thomas, L Betts


Questionable for Thursday's game at Dallas: RB Reggie Bush (fibula, limited on Thursday), TE Jeremy Shockey (ribs, ... .
Out for Thursday's game at Dallas: RB Pierre Thomas (ankle) and RB Ladell Betts (head/neck).
I'm just glad that Ellis is playing. That would have been the worst hit to take. Jenkins or Sharper will probably play. I'm hoping on Bush too...........Payton sure does know how to make ya sweat the injury report....
Everytime I think the injury report will tell me something it just leaves me with more questions.
I'll bet it's going to be tough for Payton to keep Bush off of the field tomorrow.. That guy has got to be antsy as hell! :)

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