Fred Thomas [MERGED] (1 Viewer)


Mar 10, 2005
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I know, it is chad johnson,

I know the safties could help over the top,

I know he is a solid tackler,

I know we have no one better on the team to be the number 2 CB,


Fred Thomas = Teh Burnt

I don't even want to think about Fred Thomas right now.

This is a bad showing today. Our offense is moving the ball, but there's been too many sloppy mistakes, penalties, drops. Fred Thomas has been horrible. I'm even disappointed in our punter. When you're punting inside Bengals territory or near midfield there's no excuse for kicking touchbacks. He's only had one punt inside the 20 and it was fair caught at the 19.
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Maybe with his bonus money he can renew that jelly of the month club he's had a membership with for some time now.
Fred Thomas got owned today. Guy got burnt on every other play. It was horrible. The dude is slow too. Why in the hell wasn't Makenzie covering Chad Johson?
Thomas Is Terrible!!!!!!!!

i dont know, but it seems like a little more than a coincidence that every 40+ yard pass play on us, you can count on fred thomas to be about 15 yards behind the reciever he was SUPPOSE to be covering. Fred's best skills on the feild would be, getting burnt every deep ball, or blowing coverages. If an opposing team get 1 on 1 coverage with fred i would say they have about a 90% chance of completing a 40+ yard pass and about a 70% chance of throwing a long touchdown. He is by far the worst corner i have ever watched play in the NFL.

Man Law
When you have man to man coverage on a reciever, you have to stay within 20 yards of the man you are suppose to be covering. Good Call.
Fred Thomas got owned today. Guy got burnt on every other play. It was horrible. The dude is slow too. Why in the hell wasn't Makenzie covering Chad Johson?

He covered him on a few plays. Ironically, Chad didn't do much on those. Saints don't swap CBs, and it's a defensive philisophy I don't agree today's case, not sure it matters. I think TJ would have did the same thing that Chad did...

Also, a lot of those "burns" were high risk/high reward plays depending on collapsing the pocket and getting pressure, which we didn't do...against a seriously banged up line...
Lets hope Fred can pick it up next week and the remainder of this season. We have to play with the guys we have and until we can get into the offseason and the 2007 draft we are not going to get anyone better.
I've noticed a pattern with Fred. When he's hurt, he stinks. Two years ago, he was hurt most of the season and was dealing with personal issues. He was bad that year.

He's coming off a hamstring injury. I promise no one will say that's the reason, but I bet it had a lot to do with his lack of speed. Fred is not slow.
I just can't believe that either Groce, or Deloche is not at least FASTER than Thomas! least they are TALLER, WHICH SHOULD BE A PLUS!!

Even though they might be just as horrible....they are taller and faster than Thomas!
I just can't believe that either Groce, or Deloche is not at least FASTER than Thomas! least they are TALLER, WHICH SHOULD BE A PLUS!!

Even though they might be just as horrible....they are taller and faster than Thomas!

If Thomas is hurt, I agree. Otherwise, Thomas is much better.
Anwar Phillips anyone? At least he would have an excuse for being out of position.

For the sole fact that he is a Saint, I love Freddie Thomas. But is he a liability now?

I know we don't know what Phillips can do. He was supposed to go in the 2nd or 3rd. I know there is a reason; I'm guessing it was off-the-field issues. But now he is still on the roster. Payton has gotten rid of many of the lockerroom problems. Phillips is still there. Apparently, he is even worth keeping on the practice squad.

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