Gay former player encourages current gay players to come out (2 Viewers)

If the pink uniforms, didn't make anyone comfortable enough to come out than I don't know
What will
I would love if it was an All-Pro, dominating player. The controversy would last for a year, maybe early into the second year before the bigots had to admit that their team got trucked by a "queer".

Honestly, it would have a huge impact on modern American society, IMO. Sports, especially team sports, is one of the last places to where it's expected to keep yourself closeted. Have a big name player, or multiple players come out, and this will be a non-issue within 5 years, as it should be.

The players have said they're ready for it.

Funny. Obvious tie-in, since we revile both the falcons and the gays

And obviously, none of them homosexuals could ever be good at football, so that would explain a lot

I don't revile gay people, but I sure do hate the Falcons.
Who cares? What does being gay, black, indian, spanish, oriental, married , single , divorced, baptist, catholic have to do with playing a game. This is all irrelevant to playing football. Why must everything always have to point to some "underlining what if he or she is .............insert hot item" . It has absolutlely no barring on if you are a ball player or not; no one really cares and if they do its their problem.
I'm so tired of the "role model for younger" blah blah blah. It's not the job of the job of these people to be role models. It's the parent's job to be a role model. It's the beat cop on the corner who's a role model. It's the lady next door who lives a clean life, works hard, and always has a kind word for your child who's a role model.

Football players, actors, and any other celebrity of whichever ilk you might name have been given too much power over our kids, simply because we've forgotten how to set examples ourselves. "Stick 'em in front of the TV because I'm tired after a long day at work" etc has become the norm, to the detriment of our society.

Should "alternate lifestyle" athletes "come out"?

The decision is a very personal one, and may make their lives geometrically more difficult. As a civilian, their lives would be in a state of upheaval from such an announcement. As a celebrity, every action isn't judged based on the action alone, but by their preference in a partner. The same can be said about any of those gays or lesbians in our midst. But where celebrity is concerned, they're being judged by hundreds of millions of people. Your neighbor could simply move, and no one in their new town would know. The celebrity? Not the case at all. No. The decision is infinitely more complex where they're concerned.

Besides. What business is it of mine if he's (she's) straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual, hermaphrodidic, or whatever?

Is it really affecting their ability to do their job?

Didn't think so.

Seems like you're really hot and bothered by this story.
BTW who was Wade Davis? I really don't even know who he even is. I did a search on Pro Football reference and they didn't even have him in the database, and this website has every player, even back ups who were complete busts.

So with that, I am guessing he was a bust or didn't make a team, but in a desperate attempt to get some spotlight he has to shout out how he's gay and hopes the NFL has changed. Boo hoo, even players that didn't make the team and want to blame it on their sexual interest need some spot light time. Oh I'm gay, that's why I didn't play, or maybe you were a bust, plain and simple.
BTW who was Wade Davis? I really don't even know who he even is. I did a search on Pro Football reference and they didn't even have him in the database, and this website has every player, even back ups who were complete busts.

So with that, I am guessing he was a bust or didn't make a team, but in a desperate attempt to get some spotlight he has to shout out how he's gay and hopes the NFL has changed. Boo hoo, even players that didn't make the team and want to blame it on their sexual interest need some spot light time. Oh I'm gay, that's why I didn't play, or maybe you were a bust, plain and simple.

you seem to have uncanny insight into gay motivation
i suppose you think jackie robinson should have kept his blackness hidden too??

Comparing race to sexuality? This isn't about race or color, do we even need an argument of sex in sports? No, and no again. No one should look at it and say "hey that guy is gay" or something dumb like that. They don't list that garbage in stat books cause it don't matter.

And no about the other comment, I have insight into stats. Wade Davis must not have made it to a team but he wants spot light by coming out of the closet. Does he even deserve spot light when there is no documentation of him even starting an NFL season game, yet wants to say he was gay in the NFL? Please explain why he deserves media attention. When I seen the name I said Wade who? I doubt anyone even knew him before yesterday.
Comparing race to sexuality? This isn't about race or color, do we even need an argument of sex in sports? No, and no again. No one should look at it and say "hey that guy is gay" or something dumb like that. They don't list that garbage in stat books cause it don't matter.

And no about the other comment, I have insight into stats. Wade Davis must not have made it to a team but he wants spot light by coming out of the closet. Does he even deserve spot light when there is no documentation of him even starting an NFL season game, yet wants to say he was gay in the NFL? Please explain why he deserves media attention. When I seen the name I said Wade who? I doubt anyone even knew him before yesterday.

Come on.... It's not like the day after cuts he hit the talk show circuit. It's a decade later.
Who cares? What does being gay, black, indian, spanish, oriental, married , single , divorced, baptist, catholic have to do with playing a game. This is all irrelevant to playing football. Why must everything always have to point to some "underlining what if he or she is .............insert hot item" . It has absolutlely no barring on if you are a ball player or not; no one really cares and if they do its their problem.

Just an FYI, most Asians don't like being referred to as oriental. Might save you from embarrassing yourself like I did.
Honestly, it would have a huge impact on modern American society, IMO. Sports, especially team sports, is one of the last places to where it's expected to keep yourself closeted. Have a big name player, or multiple players come out, and this will be a non-issue within 5 years, as it should be.

The players have said they're ready for it.


I think all professional athletes are fine with playing along side of someone who is gay. I know they just did a similar poll in the NHL and the guys were completely fine with accepting a gay teammate.

I for one am completely pro-gay. I have a lot friends and some family that are gay. I feel bad for anyone who has to hide such a big part of their life because so many people for what ever reason can't accept them.

For the people saying who cares sex has nothing to do with playing the sport.....sure but that's because most people just expect the players to be straight. And I suppose that those straight players should just hide away their life completely too, spouse, kids, etc. Don't let anyone know you married someone of the opposite sex....that would just be silly.
And no about the other comment, I have insight into stats. Wade Davis must not have made it to a team but he wants spot light by coming out of the closet. Does he even deserve spot light when there is no documentation of him even starting an NFL season game, yet wants to say he was gay in the NFL? Please explain why he deserves media attention. When I seen the name I said Wade who? I doubt anyone even knew him before yesterday.

So it would make a difference if it were a big star player? The guy was gay and was on NFL teams, whether he played or not is irrelevant. Maybe he can start the chain of guys who come out...maybe next it will be a special teams guy, then a backup, then a starter, then a superstar.

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