GW Reinstated...And hired (N/S) (1 Viewer)


They call me Boudreaux
Feb 21, 2007
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W. Palm Beach, FL
Good for him. NOT. :rant:

Didn't get that DC job he was hoping for though.

Jim Wyatt ‏@jwyattsports
Gregg Williams has been reinstated by the #NFL, and has been hired by the #Titans as Senior Assistant/Defense.
This is the difference between Gregg being a good soldier by throwing the Saints under the bus, and if he had fought back against the NFL.
LOL@ senior assistant. Sounds like a made up position
So, this piece of work's suspension was 3 weeks longer than Payton's, yet he masterminded the entire thing? Makes a lot of sense.
This proves the animosity of Roger against Sean with no uncertain terms! I hope G'dell drowns in 2" of bathtub water surrounded by 5 low cost hos some late night in slum town!
Munchak's statement regarding the hire via Jim Wyatt:

Jim Wyatt ‏@jwyattsports
Statement from Mike Munchak: “I have known Gregg for over two decades and have seen him work his way up from a quality control coach…

Jim Wyatt ‏@jwyattsports
More Munchak: "to a head coach. He will bring a great deal of defensive knowledge and energy to our staff. The decision to bring him here…

Jim Wyatt ‏@jwyattsports
End Munchak: "… only came after going through a thoughtful and thorough process.” #Titans
Im pretty sure he will be a defacto Defensive Coordinator while Gray will call the plays.

Guess this is his payment for "cooperating"
So, this piece of work's suspension was 3 weeks longer than Payton's, yet he masterminded the entire thing? Makes a lot of sense.

And really, it was only 3 days more than Payton was originally suspended for.
*** ******* ************ Goodell you ***** of **** hope you get a piece of wood stuck in your toenail and a fractured penis next time you try to **** with that little excuse of a **** you must have, you ******* *******.
I wonder how long it is till we play the Titans. I would take pleasure from seeing Drew shred the Titans..

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