How has Society Passed You By? (4 Viewers)

Aug 10, 2018
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The Vieux
Every day, there are more and more things in society that make me want to yell at the kids to get off my lawn. What are the big societal shifts that make you feel disconnected?

1) Giant tattoos on chicks. I don't get it. I never will. I came up in the days of tramp stamps and butterflies on ankles. Beautiful women getting sleeves and full back tats is lost on me. Why would they paint stripes on a Ferrari?
2) Video Games. Single Player only for me. I don't get these giant Battle Royale online all the time games that are taking over. The SP experience is dying off and eventually I'll be done also.
3) Popular music. This one's easy and I think most old guys will say this. And no, pop music back in the 70s and 80s wasn't just as bad. madonna and Michael Jackson destroy anything crapped out today. Fact.

Get off my lawn.
- Downloaded music - I just can't get down with this. Why am I spending $12 on this? If my hard drive crashes it's gone and I have to buy it again. Or I could just spend the $12 on the CD, rip it to my hard drive which is very easy, and have a backup copy and all the liner notes, etc.

- Youtube stars. This baffles me. I like Youtube and all, but you have these people making tons of money getting subscribers by building box forts in their living room, or testing out fidget spinners. Why do my kids sit and watch kids on TV play with toys for hours? They could play with their own toys, or build their own box fort.

- These neighborhoods where all the houses look the same and they're 3 feet apart. How the hell do you even know which house is yours? Don't you feel like a pod person? I was trying to find somebody's house and they were like, Yeah, it's a brick house with a white Acura in the driveway and there were at least 6 houses on the street that fit the description.
- Downloaded music - I just can't get down with this. Why am I spending $12 on this? If my hard drive crashes it's gone and I have to buy it again. Or I could just spend the $12 on the CD, rip it to my hard drive which is very easy, and have a backup copy and all the liner notes, etc.

- Youtube stars. This baffles me. I like Youtube and all, but you have these people making tons of money getting subscribers by building box forts in their living room, or testing out fidget spinners. Why do my kids sit and watch kids on TV play with toys for hours? They could play with their own toys, or build their own box fort.

- These neighborhoods where all the houses look the same and they're 3 feet apart. How the hell do you even know which house is yours? Don't you feel like a pod person? I was trying to find somebody's house and they were like, Yeah, it's a brick house with a white Acura in the driveway and there were at least 6 houses on the street that fit the description.

These are good. The music one I kind of disagree with because I think you can go back to where you downloaded and just get it again if your HD crashes. Amazon is like that and I know streaming games are like that.

But yes to Youtube stars and the neighborhoods, they come in and cut down these beautiful old trees so that you have these nice giant houses just stuck up in the middle of a field with nothing to look at except other houses that look just like yours. Strange
Okay. Bethesda has been a mainstay of massive single player games and they're caving in to this Massive MP battle fad. Your Overwatches and Fortnites are running the show and big publishers are playing catch-up. The days of the big budget SP games I think are going to close up soon as the costs are too high when its not what Millennials want to play.
I find that I do like bigger tattoos on women. Sometimes. Depends. Yeah, I am being completely non-committal because I like some, but hate it otherwise.
as a general rule, if you want to stay hip with society, you have to stay current with its popular movies and music. I would start by finding some music you dig. Anything after around 95' should do the trick and the newer the better. Good luck.
- Downloaded music - I just can't get down with this. Why am I spending $12 on this? If my hard drive crashes it's gone and I have to buy it again. Or I could just spend the $12 on the CD, rip it to my hard drive which is very easy, and have a backup copy and all the liner notes, etc.


Who still downloads music? Is it 2014 still?
Lack of responsibility, lack of accountability and everyone tries so hard to be offended.

The first two I just find annoying when someone tries to make that argument especially since it's usually a baby boomer making it, easily the generation most responsible for the state of our country because they...lack responsibility and accountability for the reasons we are where we are now. But your third point, that's the one I truly loathe. It's not that "everyone tries so hard to be offended". It's that more varied point of views and walks of life can now freely voice their opinions. Whether it's members of the LGBTQ community, women, people of color, various ethnic origins and religious preferences, they are all part of the community that you describe as "everyone". Everyone is no longer a monolithic male block with the same sensitivities so of course there's going to be various reasons why different parts of population will be offended. And we should all be sensitive to that.
retro, if you only have one hard drive then you just don't care enough about your stuff. I have been able to get my hoarding under control by just switching to digital hoarding. And I value that stuff. I don't even know what it all is or remember it but I value it.
Twitch streaming.

I was as hardcore, bleeding edge a gamer as you'd find back in the day. I played competitive CS in tournaments in 2001.

I don't get Twitch streaming in the slightest. I can get behind YouTube tutorials, but to toss cash at someone just for playing just doesn't make sense to me.
Social media like Instafacetwitsnap. Not my thing. Current music and current slang. Probably a lot more, but I may not be hip to what's cool.

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