How much of your kids' candy are you eating? (1 Viewer)


Gold VIP Contributor
Aug 1, 1997
Reaction score
Bethesda, MD
Mrs. (formerly in DC) bought the candy and woefully underbought, so I'm having to hit the kids' stash. They're gonna be lucky to have a single Smartie<SUP>®</SUP> left in the morning.
I can see it now. You will be bouncing off the walls from stealing the kids stash and the kids are going to be staggering into the walls after getting into your stash.
Diagnosed with Diabetes on Thursday so none. :angryrazz:

Last year... lot's. :ezbill:
I've dug out all the Atomic Fireballs. Could present a choking hazard. Could cause an allergic reaction if the kids are allegic. Could be that I'm addicted to the darn things.
I've dug out all the Atomic Fireballs. Could present a choking hazard. Could cause an allergic reaction if the kids are allegic. Could be that I'm addicted to the darn things.
I remember @ summer camp we used to see how many of those things we could eat at a time. Kids would be drooling red w/watery eyes...pretty gross thinking back.
I ran out earlier so had to go to the store for more. The Smarties, Sweet Tarts, and Snickers are all mine ! Mine I say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back off kid, ya botha' me !
I remember @ summer camp we used to see how many of those things we could eat at a time. Kids would be drooling red w/watery eyes...pretty gross thinking back.

My Atomic Fireball record was six at once.

Oh, they were twice as big around back then, too!

Stinkin' cheapskates have shrunk 'em.
My kids had some friends over to go trick or treating with them...when they came back with thier spoils I made them each pay a toll to had to be chocolate of course.:)
I can't get enough of that Krackle (despite the misspelling). Twix are mah-ney too. What's up with the Smarties love? Feh.

BTW: the first thing my kids dug into...Pringles. :dunno: Crazy kids.
Mine didn't bring home any Hershey's Dark this year...:angryrazz: Now that they're asleep I'll pick out my own private stash. :hihi: We bought a big bag of mixed candy bars this year and we gave out the stuff I don't like (Almond Joy especially). Gotta keep the KitKats and the Baby Ruth bars!
My brother and I got the bright idea that we would go house to house after Halloween and tell people that we were collecting candy for the less fortunate. I was like 7 years old and thought I was god with garbage bags full of candy. My neighbor told my mom how special my brother and I were for collecting the candy for the kids that couldn't go trick or treating and lets just say life was not good for quite some time after that.

I still feel bad to this day for doing that.
I love Smarties and Atomic Fireballs. I never buy them for myself so it is great when Halloween comes by and I can pig out on them.
My kids brought home a full size hersheys bar and a full size MilkyWay bar...a sure sign the economy is booming!
I called dibs on the Almond Joys, Reese's peanut butter cups and play-doh...

Mmmmm... Sweet chocolate and salty play-doh...
Diagnosed with Diabetes on Thursday so none. :angryrazz:

Last year... lot's. :ezbill:
sbtb sorry to here of the diagnoses. it makes life a little tricky because everything has sugar in it or your body makes it in to too much sugar. I was diagnosed four years ago and all the family holidays are hard when everyone is eating pie or cake but my mom has found some great recipes and for a candy fix its sugar free jolly ranchers. so guess what we are handing out for halloween, thats right hershey's, reeses and whoppers.

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