I'm not convinced the roster is better than DA got out of it really. I think he was given the authority to make bad choices and many of those bad choices remain. Some of them have even been brought back after DA was fired. And that is my biggest problem with Loomis is that he has no self reflection on any of that. He thinks our drafts have been good, he thinks DA is a great football coach and shouldn't have been fired, and he thinks running it back as much as Gayle and finances will allow will prove him right.I get that. I think more changes are coming but there's many changes that just couldn't happen this year. Also, let's see how much of the roster issues was inadequate coaching. I think Allen wasted a talented roster 2 years ago and made questionable decisions to the roster as well. The roster is better than what Allen showed it to be.
And I don't say any of that out of anger or hate. It's just what he's showing us with the moves he makes and his occasional media availability. He was once the perfect fit for Payton's Saints, but he's shown to be a bad fit for the post-Payton era of Saints football. But I am at peace knowing that as the oldest GM in the NFL, that isn't also an owner, his time with the team is close to the end.