Other If SR.com was "pay-per-view," would you subscribe, or go elsewhere? (1 Viewer)

I would not subscribe and go elsewhere. Minority. I know.

**Wanted to clarify a little bit...

I don't see the value in paying for a bunch of random folks opinions. Do I enjoy reading them most times, sure. But they aren't worth paying for.

Real news can be had elsewhere.
I don't know. Probably would try it out IF I could afford it.

One good thing is it might minimize crappy posting.

I would not subscribe and go elsewhere. Minority. I know.

**Wanted to clarify a little bit...

I don't see the value in paying for a bunch of random folks opinions. Do I enjoy reading them most times, sure. But they aren't worth paying for.

Real news can be had elsewhere.
If you come here just for the news, you have a point. But it's not just a news site, it's a community with people of similar tastes but different opinions. If you don't care about their personal lives or anecdotes, then ESPN is probably a better venue. I come here for both, the news and the people. There are some very funny, intelligent people here. And I really enjoy hearing what they have to say.
I joined just before Katrina, and it's amazing how much you can find here.

My most frequent watering hole is SSF. Nowhere else on the internet comes close, IMO.

If you're wanting interesting topics, news and info, there's the "Everything Else" (EE) board. Tech board, Fantasy Football, NCAA, Pelicans, and a ton of other stuff is here to keep you occupied.

I come here for Saints & Pels stuff (and occasionally go to the EE board). The only other sports news I don't get here is for the Astros. I became a Houston fan way-back-when, late 1960's, at a time when New Orleans had radio coverage on the Astros radio network (Gene Elston, Lowell Passe, Milo Hamilton, Harry Kallas). OK... who cares?!?!

Forgive my bloviating. My main reason for posting this is to encourage my fellow WhoDats to start a modest $2, $3, $5, $10 or whatever monthly subscription/donation to help this website. I mentioned on another thread that I used to say "...I'll get around to it," but then I decided to start a small monthly contribution, and I haven't regretted it (nor have I missed the money).

For the record, no Mod, nor Andrus, or any Admin asked me to post this.

I know some may neg-rep this thread, but if it leads others getting involved... it will be a good thing.

Peace, out. :cool:


Being transparent, my thinking is that a crowd draws a crowd. If we started making this a forced subscription based site then it is very likely that at least 1/2 to 2/3's of the members would not pay, so the content would be lessened and people would begin to move on, which could snowball into a dead site. I've seen that happen. Added, we're a community of friends and acquaintances and there is a lot of good faith and loyalty built up here. I don't want to mess with that. So, I think that it's best to serve ads to those that don't support the site financially and count on the generosity of the members that can either afford to contribute, are willing to contribute, or want to avoid ads by subscribing.

Now, if we had a Nick Underhill type here that was very active with highly valued content, then I could see having a pay feature specific to that content, but not the entire site. I may do something along those lines in the future.

Thank you all for your continued patronage and support. :9:

I would however like to say the general negativity level of this board is a small concern. I come here for news and as a die hard Saints fan it provides the best of any website I’ve found. The world has changed in the last 15 years and while this board was previous 90% positive it has gone down to about 50% positive over the last few years which is probably a sign of where we are as a society.

Go Saints.
Negativity has always been a concern here. Trust me, it would be a lot worse had we not been continuously showing persistently negative users, confrontational types, and trolls the door.

But yeah! It is a sign of where we are as a society, but it doesn't mean that we have to put up with it here. No! It doesn't mean we have to be all "Rah! Rah!" within the discussions either, as being critical is often appropriate, but we all know the types that sit around playing the part of killjoys and rain on every parade, as well as others that are persistently trying to either antagonize or get a rise out of people, right? I try to be patient with problem members, however, you will also notice that eventually, those types disappear. I am either to blame, or credit for that, depending upon your perspective.

We just try to keep the atmosphere reasonably pleasant. I just don't believe that you can have a thriving community without limiting the "jerk" factor.
I would not subscribe and go elsewhere. Minority. I know.

**Wanted to clarify a little bit...

I don't see the value in paying for a bunch of random folks opinions. Do I enjoy reading them most times, sure. But they aren't worth paying for.

Real news can be had elsewhere.
so do you subscribe to neworleans.football ?
i'd go somewhere else. I enjoy the site, but this place was way more crucial before twitter because it was the best place for breaking news. Twitter has replaced that function.
I guess I never thought of it as "Pay per view". The $10 per month I give to Saintsreport means more to Andrus and keeping this site up and running, than it would to me being able to order an appetizer with my dinner.

It is true that you don't have to pay, but ask yourself what is your entertainment worth?
I automatically donate every month. Didn't know about the cash app option though.
As I website owner myself, this place has been good to me.

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