Is it just me? (1 Viewer)


sec 126
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Iv'e been watching all year J.Greer looking into the backfield and getting beat a lot this year. I might be wrong but it sure looks like he's giving up plays that he was knocking down last year!:aargh:
It's just you.

He is a premier CB in this league.

Not many better.

When someone catches a pass on him, we tend to be shocked. That's the true sign of his greatness.
My opinion is somewhere between the first two. Last year he was amazing. This year he is very good. He does get left on an island on almost every play.
Even great CB's get beat some times , revis, Woodson, all those guys. The fact is do u ever see Greer get constantly picked on like a Texans DB? Saints D has allowed the least TD passes in the NFL.
I think you have just adjusted to seeing a good player for the past 2 years, so now when someone actually makes a few catchs you get disappointed.

Do yourself a favor. Go pull up a few videos from about 2 years ago.

Jason David and Fred Thomas ring a bell? :covri:
My opinion is somewhere between the first two. Last year he was amazing. This year he is very good. He does get left on an island on almost every play.

Exactly, him and Porter are both in man coverage with no safety help for a good portion of our games. They're going to get beat on some plays, especially if the blitz doesn't get there to cause a hurry or a sack.

I still say when healthy they're the best CB tandem in the NFC and possibly NFL.
It's just you.

He is a premier CB in this league.

Not many better.

When someone catches a pass on him, we tend to be shocked. That's the true sign of his greatness.

Wrong, its not just him. Greer is not having nearly as good a year as last year. I am pretty sure the stats would back me up on this one.

As for the White TD.... it looked like he wasn't set for some reason, he was still moving forward towards the LOS when the ball was snapped, and couldn't recover (due to forward momentum)
Exactly, him and Porter are both in man coverage with no safety help for a good portion of our games. They're going to get beat on some plays, especially if the blitz doesn't get there to cause a hurry or a sack.

I still say when healthy they're the best CB tandem in the NFC and possibly NFL.

Agreed. Last night, Ryan was getting too much time on a lot of Saints' blitzes. You can't expect Greer to single cover for more than a few seconds.

On the other hand, he got no jam on Roddy on the TD. Looked like he whiffed and gave up position. Tough play, but he definitely played it about as poorly as possible.

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