Scorpius the Allfather
Dream Theater fanatic/ghost
If you look far back enough you will see yourself.Are there still people that believe we are the only intelligent life in the universe?
I look at that picture and feel like the last time I ate shrooms... which is very much insignificant and awed. I too forgot all about my psoriasis.
I amount to nothing more than a spark, inhabiting a collection of neurons controlling a meat puppet in a universe so vast that am less of its sum than a single atom is to the sum of the planet I occupy.
I completely lack the capacity to fully appreciate the enormity of it. The extent of my knowledge it knowing how outside of my scope of understanding it is.
The light that produced that image is ~3x times older than the existance of the planet we call home. The time spanning my lifetime is a blip in human civilization. Human civilization or even existance is not even a blip when placed on Earth's timeline. When placed in the context of the timeline represented in that image... insinifigant does not begin to describe it.