Even great movies can still feel very dated
Jaws does not
Still holds up very well today ( at least it seems to me that it does. Don’t know what a 15 year old would think of it seeing it for the first time now)
And even though we know so much more about sharks than we did in 1975 it’s still a primal fear
The whole end sequence once the Orca leaves port is utterly fantastic
To me it holds really well because of 2 things: the beach setting, and you don't see the mechanic shark too much. Movies set in a city, you see the cars, the fashions, the ads, whereas you can find many places today that look like Amity Island.. The mechanic shark, you don't see enough to realize how fake it is, and when you get to see the most of mechanic shark at the end of the movie, you are too invested in the tension and the suspense to care.