Jazz are a bad matchup for us. (1 Viewer)


VIP Contributor
Jul 21, 2007
Reaction score
New Orleans
The biggest deal is that our players can’t believe that they want to take so many 3’s. In regulation they were 18-44 from 3. If we took away just 5 of those threes we have a much bigger chance of winning. Even if they get the rebound and score 2. That’s 5 points they have to make up. The Jazz need to be defended outside in.

I don’t want to see this team in the playoffs.

Also, it’s apparent that we need to add another center through a trade. If not, we need to draft one. They got way too many offensive rebounds.

It’s really possible that the Jazz don’t make the playoffs. And that’s probably the best outcome for our chances of making it to the finals.

Yeah things will change with BI returning. I want to see how these teams defend Zion with Ingram on the court. These walls are kinda hilarious to see.

Also, why did it take them forever to know that Clarkson always wants to go right and you have to force him left for a tough shot.
They will defend him same way until we make them pay ( when Zion kicks out )

Sink 2-3 15 ft shots in a row, all of a sudden that defense aint looking to wall up

We had our chances last night, just couldnt ice the game. That second to last possession where Zion kicked out to Nance for 3....made me mental. He shoulda drove that ball RIGHT AT the rim. He needs to get that "i want the ball last " mentality - its ok to be greedy their because you ARE that good. Obviously if they collapse on you look to pass.

Trey STRUGGGGGGLED from 3 last 2 games vs Utah - so he had a bit of a mini-slump shooting - and thats usually how we make teams pay for that wall.

conversely, our 3pt defense needs work. We routinely drop down on player drives, and they pop it out to wide open shooter. Beasley was fire, Clarkson was fire last 2 games.

Home court helps.

We also got into foul trouble EARLY AGAIN which never helps.
We don't need another center. We have 4 (with various levels of serviceability).

The Utah rims suck. We don't shoot well there, and we are a bad matchup. BI would have helped. We are a better team.
getting blown out by 20 points sucked, but yesterday's loss was painful. ingram probably would have made the difference. hope the dude is only out a few more games because i know the team would love to have him on the court.
We might be a bad matchup, but that game yesterday was winnable. We just couldn't get out of our own way with missed shots and bad turnovers.

26 min and 6 points is not a good look for Jonas. He was a non-factor.

I think Trey Murphy often forgets how big he is. I would like to see him utilize his size more if his shots aren't falling.
We might be a bad matchup, but that game yesterday was winnable. We just couldn't get out of our own way with missed shots and bad turnovers.

26 min and 6 points is not a good look for Jonas. He was a non-factor.

I think Trey Murphy often forgets how big he is. I would like to see him utilize his size more if his shots aren't falling.

100% on the "time" of turnovers/missed shots. ( also dumb fouls- i think we started overtime 0-3 and 2 fouls - crazy lack of execution )

Jonas was a non-factor because he got 2 very early fouls which changes things.

We simply didnt utilize him in the paint ( altho we did a MUCH better job of scoring in paint game 2 vs game 1 ) enough and early to get him in rhythm.

Team still growing, our rotation seems to be working itself out and WE STILL HAVE BI sitting.

I was happy to see CJ put up good points, BUT WILL SOMEONE PLEEEEASSE shake this man - we DONT need a 3pter in TRANSITION when rest of team screaming down court to get position, only to have it come RIGHT BACK at us in transition when NO ONE DEFENDING.

His "shot selection" at times leaves me guessing.

BI inclusion will change everything - once he gets his legs and timing back, he is deadly from 12-15ft and unguardable from his spot.
Are we done playing the Jazz?
Meh. Last game, no Ingram and no Jose and we lost in OT. Also a couple of their guys were having unbelievable shooting nights. Two of our three losses on the year against them were in OT. Not concerned going forward.

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