Jerry Richardson not showing much after the win (2 Viewers)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Panthers are going to the Super Bowl and Jerry Richardson is unmoved <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; SB Nation NFL (@SBNationNFL) <a href="">January 25, 2016</a></blockquote>
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So what's your thought-bubble caption for this? I guess the easy one is "we haven't won anything yet" but I'm sure some of you have something much funnier in mind.

Geritol is reportedly in talks to buy that clip.
He asked Manning (during the lockout) if he knew how to read a financial statement. I hope the Broncos win, and Manning can say something witty in return, like, how do you like that prune juice, or, AARP didn't work for you.

Hey, I never worked for him. :angryrazz: :D

I wonder what he would have looked like if they had lost.
and no one has even questioned it....that dude has a HAREM in that box.

PIMPn aint easy.
The guy has had some serious medical problems. He had a heart transplant a while back. Maybe the donor was a Grinch.
This guy at one point was defending Greg Hardy.

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and no one has even questioned it....that dude has a HAREM in that box.

PIMPn aint easy.

I think that's probably because women just live longer and all of their husbands are dead.

Maybe that's what he's thinking. "This would be fun if my boys were here to party with me - but they're all dead and I have to endure this box full of old-white-lady-celebration all around me."

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