Level of Excitement (1 Viewer)

With the amount of soul-crushing losses I've experienced as a Saints fan, I have somewhat burned out. Let's just say that I am cautiously pessimistic. Lol. It just feels like other than 2009, the only thing waiting at the end of the rainbow for Saints fans is certainly not a pot of gold but rather a pot of wet, steamy dung. I wanna just get back to enjoying the games but I am not sure I can for awhile.

After the 2018 NFCCG no call, it felt like the universe owed us some sort of recompense in the form of at LEAST another Super Bowl appearance if not an outright Lombardi. Only to not only see that NOT happen but to watch the anal crevasses of Rams fans not only get a new stadium but win a Super Bowl in it and then watching the Bucs do the same thing because Drew didn't retire early enough and we missed out on getting Tom Brady. Of course, all of this is after us missing out on Patty Mahommes because the Chiefs moved up to snatch him.

I honestly feel like there is a pantheon of gods of football and after allowing us to win a chip have decided to tax us to death with frustration borne of injuries, probability busting events, bone-headed coaching, crazy ball bounces, and criminal officiating.

I am just gonna have to make peace with the fact that I myself, my brother, and my father were alive to see the Saints win it all. Because with this coaching staff and roster, while I WOULD LOVE TO SEE IT, I don't think we are gonna see it again.
With the amount of soul-crushing losses I've experienced as a Saints fan, I have somewhat burned out. Let's just say that I am cautiously pessimistic. Lol. It just feels like other than 2009, the only thing waiting at the end of the rainbow for Saints fans is certainly not a pot of gold but rather a pot of wet, steamy dung. I wanna just get back to enjoying the games but I am not sure I can for awhile.

After the 2018 NFCCG no call, it felt like the universe owed us some sort of recompense in the form of at LEAST another Super Bowl appearance if not an outright Lombardi. Only to not only see that NOT happen but to watch the anal crevasses of Rams fans not only get a new stadium but win a Super Bowl in it and then watching the Bucs do the same thing because Drew didn't retire early enough and we missed out on getting Tom Brady. Of course, all of this is after us missing out on Patty Mahommes because the Chiefs moved up to snatch him.

I honestly feel like there is a pantheon of gods of football and after allowing us to win a chip have decided to tax us to death with frustration borne of injuries, probability busting events, bone-headed coaching, crazy ball bounces, and criminal officiating.

I am just gonna have to make peace with the fact that I myself, my brother, and my father were alive to see the Saints win it all. Because with this coaching staff and roster, while I WOULD LOVE TO SEE IT, I don't think we are gonna see it again.
I love the positive parts of this, which I highlighted in red.
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Honestly, I'm stoked I think they continue to build on the last 5 games last year and I think the offensive staff overhaul to a more player friendly system will make all of the difference. I see a 2-4 game improvement based on how quickly things gel in the new system. If they gel really quickly I could see and NFC Championship run.

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Honestly, I'm stoked I think they continue to build on the last 6 games last year and I think the offensive staff overhaul to a more player friendly system will make all of the difference. I see a 2-4 game improvement based on how quickly things gel in the new system. If they gel really quickly I could see and NFC Championship run.

I think you meant to say the last 5 games bc we were 4-1 in that stretch. Before the last 5 games, we had a 3 game losing streak
The level of play seems to hinge on Kubiak. If he somehow rights the offense I'll be the first to put on a bib and eat some crow regarding DA and whatever you want to call his overall leaderships style as top dog.

To me there are three, maybe even four things that have taken the excitement out of the NFL. The cheating (refs), the injection of politics (BLM, vaccines, LGBTQIA2S+), DA, and on a personal level I just want to give Sunday completely to God now, and the NFL is in the way of that. Oh and five: I'm tired of giving charity to billionaires for stadiums and then paying through the nose for tickets...

So yeah, consider level of excitement to be suppressed for a lot of reasons.

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