Level of Excitement (4 Viewers)

I am always excited for the start of a new season, you just never know
If, and it’s a big if we can carry on the form for the last quarter of the season then we are in with a shout of at least winning the division
I'm excited, cautious and curious.

I'm curious about how Allen will decide to let this new strategy and offensive philosophy play out. Will he be lile Payton was with the defense and rely on his defensive coaches to do their job while he focused on managing the offensive and game play outcome decision making? If Allen sticks to the defense and in game decisions leaving Kubiak to manage the offensive playcalling and strategy, I think we may have something. Carmichael was a major part of the problem last year, yes, but I don't know if we yet know to what extent Carmichael was able to be independent. Carmichael's mentor's offense was as creative, impulsive and challenging as it comes. In Carmicheal's opportunity to call plays before Sean's departure, the offense looked and felt like Payton's. It's odd that it became so conservative. Either Carmichael's philosophy differed drastically from Payton's or he wasn't free to do some of the things he would've liked. So, I'm curious how much influence and freedom Kubiak will have. I'm guessing (hoping) it's all his, but this question nags at me. What's going to happen when the games start counting?

I'm cautiously optimistic because I'm higher on the talent on the team than most people here. We realize that the offensive philosophy and Oline play/strategy from last year was...subpar, let's say that, but then we're down on the offensive players. We have to divorce the players from their appearance in a poorly designed offense. How do I know the Saints still have good talent? Because in today's NFL which dramatically favors the offense, the Saints still managed to go 9-8 despite a bad offense. For example, I saw the Saints WRs make great plays despite being limited to route trees that didn't take advantage of the whole field. I saw Kamara still be Kamara even though it was obvious he was getting the ball and working with bad O line. I saw an offense that didn't use TEs well at all. People are questioning if Kamara is still good so I'm not surprised everyone is so down on the TE room. The room could be better, yes, but I don't think we've seen its full potential. As far as the offensive line goes, there's more talent invested there than any place on the team except maybe Dline where the team could be starting 3 or 4 positions with first rounders and rotating in another one. There's a better mix of talent competing at LB this year as well. The secondary may even be improved as odd as that sounds. The weakest link in the current secondary is probably the guy who has more than 30 interceptions.

Yeah, I'm excited. It's Saints football! Who Dat!
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I'm excited to see the new offensive scheme in action. I think that it will take a few games for it to come together but I am hopeful.
Same here.
My concern is that for this offense to go, it's heavily dependent on the run game working.
I think they brought in enough linemen to get that part corrected, but I'm concerned that we don't have enough talent at running back after A.K.
Maybe the plan is to sign more talent once training camp starts.
I'm excited about the new season because we are finally moving on with life after CSP. All of this run it back all the same and we'll be just fine, except without Sean, was a bad marketing attempt to keep fans engaged.
Exactly this.

Finally bringing in a new offensive system means we are officially heading in a new direction.

It was a small move, but drafting Rattler in the 5th round signaled to me that we are seriously considering a rebuild if this season doesn’t go well. Also, we didn’t make any huge commitments this year in FA and we didn’t trade any picks to move up in the draft. Sounds like we actually considered moving back in the draft for once. I see a huge roster shake up in the near future.
As a long time fan (since the beginning), I learned to temper my enthusiasm. Hope springs eternal in the offseason and that mood is helped by the hype coming from players and coaches -- but I've seen it all before. Forty times bitten, more than a little bit shy, I'm afraid. On the other hand, these really aren't those same Saints, who were more hampered by terrible ownership and front office than this organization. So call it time-tempered optimism. Come the start of the season, though, I'll be watching that screen and screaming (hopefully good things :) )!
It's hard to explain but I have a different type of excitement heading into this season. It's not the same type of excitement I had going into a season with Drew and SP. With them every year we were a legitimate contender. Not just to make the playoffs or win the division, we had a chance to win the whole damn thing. With Drew and SP there was always a chance. Since they left I've gone into each season with no expectations and no pressure. Every game hasn't been an edge of your seat roller coaster of emotion because losses hurt our playoff seeding. The wins were nice but the losses were a gut punch.

Now I just get to enjoy the games because the stakes are much lower. In a way this has been a return to normalcy for long time Saints fans. The wins are awesome and the losses are frustrating but not debilitating. Shrug it off and on to the next week. I was way too emotionally invested during the SP era. Now I just watch the games and hope for the best. I'm excited to see the new offense but if it doesn't work out, oh well. We always have next year to look forward to.
I’m excited for the season. I hope to be shocked by the new offense and expect solid defensive play. When realism sets in my expectations take a downward tilt. I hope the line play is improved and a young player excels at tightend. If these two things happen the season will be good.
Full honesty here:

Am I excited? No bc I do not think we will be contenders to make a deep playoff run, more or less a SB run.

Am I interested? Yes bc I’m a fan. Do I think we can at least win the division? Yes, we should have a chance at that. So that peeks my interest.

Frankly, my expectations are severely tempered until I see consistent quality football from both sides of the ball, at the same time. Get some Ws in some tough matchups and my excitement level will rise. Until then, I’m just interested, not excited.
Of course I am excited for Football Season in general, but less so than ever.

(1) College Football is more of a business, and talent is concentrated in fewer teams.

(2) Pro Football has been spoiled since the twin travesties of Bountygate and the No-Call.

(3) About the Saints:
(A) our coach is bad, boring, and unlikeable.
(B) our players include only a few who are both talented and interesting (Cam, DD, Latt, Hill, Kamara, maybe Shaheed?) and most of them are old and getting older.
(C) our management is determined to salvage mediocrity at the expense of investing in the future.
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Of course I am excited for Football Season in general, but less so than ever.

(1) College Football is more of a business, and talent is concentrated in fewer teams.

(2) Pro Football has been spoiled since the twin travesties of Bountygate and the No-Call.

(3) The Saints' coach is bad, boring, and unlikeable. The Saints' players include only a few who are both talented and interesting (Cam, DD, Latt, Hill, Kamara, maybe Shaheed?) and most of them are old and getting older. The Saints' management is determined to salvage mediocrity at the expense of investing in the future.
I agree for the most part. The players I find talented and interesting are DD, Hill, and Shaheed. I’m optimistic about Carr entering his second year but tempered by him having to learn a new system. Let’s go Black and Gold!
As a long time Saints fan, I’m not sensing too much confidence or excitement from the fan base. I think it’s because Dennis no personality Allen is the face of the team or that the team has no personality. Can you believe it went from Duece to Drew to … mediocrity. Payton had a way of keeping us all excited…I really hope we do great things this year but who knows. We’ll see.
It's June. Training camp has yet to begin.

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