Memo to Atlanta and Sports Media... (1 Viewer)


Every team's Elixir
Dec 16, 2004
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Stop calling that circus tent in Atlanta "the dome"....The exterior shots tonight clearly show it's not one.

Weakest home crowd in football. I saw the freaking jumbotrons telling you when to cheer for cripe's sake. Terrible.
It's the ugliest stadium in the NFL, and has been since it was built. The only thing that could make it cool would be clowns that encased people in cotton candy and had popcorn guns living inside.
I have no idea why Atlanta is such a good home team because their "fans" are absolutely pathetic. If the Eagles play them in the playlets their will be more Vick fans in the crowd than Falcon fans.
when the announcers were saying "how loud this stadium is", it barely compared to the dome when the saints are on OFFENSE. pitiful excuses for fans

but the reggie, reggie, reggie chant sure was clear as day:worthy:
What were they cheering for?

Now PIerre, Pierre, Pierre, I could understand!
I'll use this thread to make this observation:

Atlanta has the most boring looking fans in the world. I look at the Dome, and just about everyone warrants a "What's his/her story?". Atlanta? They're just boring. They all look like middle school teachers and insurance salesmen. Not denigrating those professions or anything, but...they all look boring. Just the epitome of middle America suburban white bread bland.

I have no idea why Atlanta is such a good home team because their "fans" are absolutely pathetic. If the Eagles play them in the playlets their will be more Vick fans in the crowd than Falcon fans.

I noticed a guy in the stands with a Vick jersey.
But, I had my Archie jersey on tonight, so who am I to speak? :)
How much of that noise was generated by Saints fans there. Seems like we were well represented once again.
I'll use this thread to make this observation:

Atlanta has the most boring looking fans in the world. I look at the Dome, and just about everyone warrants a "What's his/her story?". Atlanta? They're just boring. They all look like middle school teachers and insurance salesmen. Not denigrating those professions or anything, but...they all look boring. Just the epitome of middle America suburban white bread bland.


thats because a large percentage of paying fans actually are of the middle America suburban white bread variety.
Watch It! I am a middle school teacher. Guarantee! I can cheer and raise %#)( with the best of ya!
It was ridiculously quiet. My friend and I were amazed we could talk while the Saints were on offense in a normal voice.

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