Metrodome roof collapses (1 Viewer)

Uh yes. The Saints Katrina season playing a home game against the Giants in Giants stadium.

Actually the entire season. But yeah, the Giants' game stands out.
Chances are the engineers who designed theses structures are not from Minnesota. Let's all also keep in mind the Superdome roof a few years back.

Actually chances are they are from Minnesota. Some engineers move around the country but a lot stay in the state they graduated from or in close proximity.

Blizzards are bad but I think Hurricanes are more destructive. The real insult is the poorly engineered levees but that's a conversation that I'm sure has been beaten to death.
Thats not what I meant-I meant something where the situation happened where the game was the next day.....

The only thing close I can think of is the Chargers vs Dolphins being played in Arizona several years back due to the California wildfires. They did free admission into the game.

I don't remember how far in advance they made the change though.
As long as they don't move it to New Jersey and give the Giants 9 home games. What am I saying, they would never do something as stupid as that...

They wouldn't. They would put a Minnesota logo on the field so everyone would know it was a Giant away game!!


ESPN just said that the Superdome is a possibility for this game to be played on Monday night.

Poor Vikings, lol.
I cant believe they really want to bring their game to our stadium, please huh, hope they dont stink up our dome either.
It's between Detroit and New Orleans now. It's still snowing in Detroit, so maybe that is a factor for not wanting the two teams to fly in there.
I can't help but feel this is karma for all the Katrina jokes I heard from butt hurt Viking fans all off season. And if it ends up in the Superdome, that makes it even more hilarious.
What a dump!


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